
Website research for women: About your confidence...?

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I am researching for a website of mine. Have you ever been shy and gained lots of self confidence. What is the most important part that makes you feel the confident, successful women that you are now? How do you stay confident and motivate yourself. What is your motivation?

Thank you! Please let me know if it is ok that I publish your answer if fit for the site ( - not yet active)




  1. I'm not a woman, but I've achieved great confidence from dancing.

    I've been dancing a lot lately.

  2. I try to do things that I have never done before and things that challenge me.  With success comes confidence.  I motivate myself by finding new challenges.

    Yes, you can publish.

  3. I used to be really shy when I was younger.  I always got picked on because of the way I looked.  I had some pretty awesome friends though and they always stuck by my side even if that meant they would get picked on too.  I guess for me it was getting older and realizing it didn't matter what anyone else thought of me, it was the person I was.  When I started to gain more confidence, I started to see a change in how people treated me.  It was a positive change.  Now I always have confidence in myself and try to only see the positive to everything.

  4. I look myself in the mirror every morning and tell myself how awesome I am.  

  5. I used to be painfully shy in high school, into college. I became more outgoing as I grew older, accepting myself for who I was and then improving it.

    Not changing me. Improving me. That made all the difference.

    I used my dreams as motivation to become who I always knew I wanted to be, and confidence was the natural overflow of that.

  6. Getting older and gaining more life experience.

  7. i was introverted when I was younger and didn't want anyone to notice me because I had a hard life and my step father used to beat me up when he drank. So I tried to be really quiet and hide.

    Also I am blind in my left eye and it went 'out' to the left really far and people usually made fun of me where ever I went so that is another reason I didn't want to be around people.

    But I wasn't really shy, just scared. Then when I was 40 I had a job with medical insurance and some friends really talked me into making the insurance pay for an eye muscle operation to move the eye to be centered. Now it doesn't look abnormal and this has really changed my life!

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