
Website that sells mini keychain pipes? best answer gets 10 points!!!

by  |  earlier

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hi i live with my parents so i need a site that sells those mini key chain pipes but the name of the website isnt like a site where i can buy stuff with it so i could tell my parents its an accident if they find it....something like, but they dont have the key chain pipes. I was thinking of getting the pipe and 2 posters and a shirt. can anyone help me out with a website that looks like a regular one that carries mini keychain pipes? best answer gets 10 points




  1. I'm not sure of a website. You could always go to ebay. It would just show up as ebay wouldn't it? I'm pretty sure you can buy pipes on there. If not, have someone that is old enough to purchase them get one for you, like a friend or relative. Smoke shops almost always have them.

  2. How many points does the worse answer get..

  3. You mean like an herbal pipe?

    Try Hightimes also if not

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