
Wedding Gift Etiquette??

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When attending a wedding what is the general rule on a cash gifts? Are you suppose to try and cover your plate? If you bring a date are you suppose to cover their plate as well (the date does not know the couple)?




  1. You only have to give what you can afford. It shouldn't matter how much or how little.  

  2. I generally say give what you can afford.  I dont agree with the covering your plate thing as this isnt a resturant here.  The couple makes the choice on what to spend on dinner so I dont feel the guests should be forced to try and cover crazy costs of dinner if the couple went dinner happy.  my friend was at a wedding where each plate was $80.  I wouldnt be able to cover that.  generally I give $50 for just myself and if its me and hubby then $75-$100 depending on what I can afford.  

  3. Give what you can afford. If you can cover your plate, great.  

  4. So you should give less to the couple who has a backyard barbeque reception that they can afford and more to the couple who goes into massive hock to have a five-course extravaganza at a fancy hotel?

    The amount I give is based upon two things:  how close I am to the bride and/or groom, and my financial situation at the moment.  If a couple chooses to get married around Christmastime, I'm sorry but they're going to get less than if they did it in the summer because I am always on a budget during the holidays.  My acquaintances would get less than my friends who would get less than my close relatives.

    I don't worry about "covering my plate" - the couple shouldn't be depending on my gift to defray their wedding costs.

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  7. Proper etiquette is that a gift is not required. If one chooses to give a gift one gives according to their finances. When invited to attend the reception it is in essence the same as being invited to dinner. You do not have to cover the cost of your meal. When you pay for your own meal, you choose what you eat and have the option of returning it to the kitchen if it is served overcooked, cold or just plain unpleasant. On the other hand the bride and groom when choosing their menu are supposed to be smart enough to make choices they can afford to serve their guests without expecting payment.

  8. yeah, generally you should try to cover your plate. the average cost of a wedding is $50 per person, so you should give $50 if you can, and $100 if you bring a date.

  9. I agree with angeldust. Dont think of it as covering the cost of your plate. Give whats in your heart, what you can afford. Are the bride and groom family? Coworker? Acquaintances? Personally, I wouldnt give less than $100 at a wedding for a coworker or casual friend, and more for close friends and family.

    Also, you dont have to give more than if you were going to the wedding solo. The bride and groom allowed you to bring a date because they are good hosts and want you to have fun, not to squeeze more money out of you.  

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