
Wedding Insurance?

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Is it necessary to purchase wedding coverage through your insurance company?




  1. It's not likely your insurance company offers the coverage you are looking for. This is too specialized.

      I used to work for an insurance company and we referred customers to another carrier. I don't remember the name.

    It depends on what your looking for. Most people get it to cover things like issues with the photograper, caterer, a rain out or other issue with the venue etc.

    It's worth looking into.

  2. it isn't nessary, but some people get it incase they cancle the wedding and don't want to be stuck with the charges of the entire thing.

  3. It is not necessary to purchase wedding coverage but wedding insurance covers some pretty interesting things.

    1. Such as if something happens that messes up your wedding photos (besides weather defects), the company will pay to have everyone in the wedding party brought back to take photos.  This is especially helpful if people have to fly in for the weddings.  

    2. Also if there is bad weather on the day of your wedding.  If you plan on having an out door wedding and there is not a backup plan, wedding insurance may come in handy.

    3. If your spouse to be is in the military and there is a risk he or she may be called to service causing the wedding to be postponed, wedding insurance will cover it.

    4. Coverage if gifts are stolen or broke at the wedding.

    Take a look at this website. Wedding insurance doesn't cover much but if the type of wedding you are having is vulnerable to anything they are covering then it is worth a look.

  4. never heard of it. Never bought it.

  5. No.  You really only need it if there's a chance someone might not show-up that day (and if you think that you might want to hold off) or if your wedding is in a location where weather could interrupt it.  Vacation insurance for the honeymoon sometimes makes sense depending on where you're going.

  6. This day in age, you may want to consider getting some extra protection.

    The photographer that we used for our wedding went out of business (well after we used them and received all of our albums etc.) but other brides were out alot of money and are looking to sue.

    This is an extreme case and I don't mean to scare you, but things happen and it's best to be safe then sorry in my opinion.

  7. Usually, your liability insurance will cover the location in the event one of your guests gets a little inebriated at the reception.  If however, you don't have insurance, get a special event coverage package from your local insurance broker.  

    It won't cover you if your groom/bride leaves you waiting at the altar, or if the chicken is too dry, but in the event you have a major catastrophy, or someone gets hurt, it will cover, and it usually includes liquor liabilty, so if Uncle Charlie gets tipsy on the communion wine and starts Table Dancing, you have coverage when he goes throught the plate glass window and cuts himself up.

  8. Maybe - Some locations require you to have some liability coverage for the day of the event in case someone is injured or something like that.  That is usually if you a renting a public location like part of a park or gardens.  Your agent can usually add an endorsement to your or your parents' homeowner's policy that will cover you if they request it.

    You may also be able to get temporary coverage for your gifts, in case they are stolen or damaged in a covered claim.
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