
Wedding Question :)?

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I'm getting married on October 4, 2008. The wedding party consist of 2 groomsmen and 2 bridesmaids. (small wedding) I don't have any ushers, so I am using my groomsmen. When the music starts the grandmothers will be escorted by the groomsmen and then the mothers. Are the husbands of the mothers and grandmothers supposed to already be seated before it starts? Also, this wedding is very low budget. Has anyone else ever used a CD player for the ceremony & reception music? Thanks to everyone who answered.




  1. I have been to several weddings that have used a CD player or MP3 player for the ceremony and reception music, so that's no big deal. As for grandmothers and grandfathers, I've seen ushers/groomsmen seat them at the same time. If you're having the parents as part of the processional, why don't you have the groom's father walk with the groom's mother?  

  2. I think their husbands walk behind the wives as they're ushered to their seats.  or they can sit in the pews beforehand, either one.  I've done music for 2 of my friend's weddings and the last one she had me bring a CD stereo for the ceremony music, but for the reception she had a DJ.  if you're not having a DJ, find a friend with a computer and some PA equipment (or maybe the reception hall already has PA) and see if they can plug in an ipod with a ton of songs on there on shuffle.  load up the ipod with a few hours worth of music and let it play.

  3. Congrats on the wedding day!  We are wedding day twins!

    My mother used a CD player for her third wedding.....and it turned out ok, we just made sure who ever was running it for her knew what songs to play when and the corresponding numbers.

    Best of luck!  

  4. This is how I've always seen it done, after the "normal" guests are already in their seats:

    - Grandparents are seated - grandmother on the arm of an usher, grandfather walking a few steps behind.

    - Groom's parents are seated - mother on the arm of an usher, father a few steps behind.

    - Bride's mother is seated by an usher.

    - Groom enters by the altar.

    - Bridal party enters.

    - Bride and her father enter.

  5. When ushering the Mothers and Grandmothers, the men follow right behind and take a seat with their wives, unless of course they are in the wedding

    I have been to several weddings where the CD was used for music.  You need to assign a specific person to handle this task and be sure to have an itenerary of what is being played and when.  If you have special dances, cake music, money dance, and things like that, put it in your itenerary for announcement.  Create some kind of hand signal for the "DJ" to know when to start and stop so you have a means of communication.  It worked at all the weddings I went to so you should not have any problem with yours.   Best of Wishes

  6. YES I have used a CD player for my music. Nothing wrong with that. You can have the granmothers seated if you wish. There are no rules. It's your wedding do what you want. I think it's a really nice gesture to have your granmothers escorted down the isle.

  7. I think they are suppose to be seated,(the husbands).I am using a cd player also.No use in wasting an extra 500 on a dj.

  8. The groomsmen are supposed to be the ushers.  They escort people to their seats.  The grandmothers should already be seated before the wedding starts.  My brother was a groomsmen and usher.  He escorted my mother in law down the aisle right before the bridesmaids came down the aisle.  Everyone else should be seated.  My mother and father walked me down the aisle so I didn't have to worry about who was walking my mother down.  I loved having both of my parents walk me down since they were both so special to me.  If your mother doesn't walk you down then she should be seat when your mother in law to be is seated.  It must be really low budget.  I have never heard of using a CD player for the ceremony and reception.  We had an organist at the ceremony and she wasn't expensive.  I guess if the sound system is good then you can go right ahead and play CDS.  It is your wedding so do it any way you want and congratulations.  I love weddings.  My cousin is getting married on September 27th.

  9. I think it is fine to have the family that will not be escorted during the ceremony seated already. I think if you are going to  do the cd thing, make sure it's timed correctly or have someone man it for you with a written plan of when to turn in on/off louder softer! CONGRATS!

  10. The mothers of both the bride and groom should be part of the processinal (walking down the aisle).

    Perhaps your groom can walk his mother down?  Then the ushers can walk the other ladies?  Then once it's your Bridesmaids turn, the men will be standing in place and the "women of honor" will be seated.

    Make sense?

    Also, re: the CD player...we used one.  What you need to do is assign someone you TRUST (and who knows how to use the CD player) to manage the music.  Meaning, if the processional takes too long, they can simply hit the play button again.
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