
Wedding Tips!?!?

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I am getting married in 15 days and am curious if anyone has any tips they can share. What should I know? Do? Say?, etc. Any words of wisdom for me on my big day? I am a pretty stress free person and am going to go with the flow but I am always interested to learn from others!




  1. This is your big day.  Usually a lot of the focus is on the bride.  Do not sweat the small stuff.  Have FUN.  Enjoy.

  2. Since you're a "pretty stress free" person, I'd suggest that you do some homework by going to several bridal shops.  You won't have to buy or rent anything, but after you've been to a few of them, you'll know a whole lot more than you do right now.  Plus you'll be speaking to people who have a LOT of experience with  your "big day."  

    Plus there's a TON of publications available for potential brides - not to mention all the books at the library - or whatever comes up when you google various aspects of your "big day."  

    Then you can tell people what YOU want and, if you've ever worked on a wedding, then you know brides rule.  So you don't need to be shy, reticent, or even "stress free."  Feel free to be bridezilla!

    It is, after all, your "big day."

    Good luck!

    Jay in Austin

  3. Don't do it!!! Just kidding. It is a very fun time and usually stress is one of the big things the bride goes through. The groom usually doesn't worry too much. I helped as much as my ex-wife let me which wasn't much but then she btched at me for not doing enough. Women, you can't.... I'll be good. Anyway, If you are stress-free, what are you doing, where are you getting married, the Justice of the peace? If this is a wedding like most, then you should be planning the cake, food for guests, your dress, bridesmaid dresses, how you look, how your hair will look/be styled, if your groom will shower and shave for the wedding, where you are going on your honeymoon and how the big night will be with your NEW hubby!!!! If I may give you one piece of advice: Make sure you eat at your wedding, my bestman kept telling me to eat. You will be talking to everyone there, drinking and enjoying the time, that you will not eat. MAke sure you eat!!! you paid for the food(however directly or indirectly).

    Good Luck and hope that you can enjoy it

  4. Start with a budget, then gests list, when choose your theme!

  5. Relax and enjoy your day.

  6. Take time to stop, look around, and take it all in.  Everything is going to be going so fast, so much going on at once.  Take a moment, take a breath, stop and look around.  THESE moments you'll remember.

    Things WILL go wrong.  It doesn't make the day any less special.  Just let it roll off you shoulders, so to speak.  Going with the flow is a good way to be!

    You'll be fine...breath! :-)

  7. bring a sewing kit, extra make-up, hairspray,mints, and wear water proof make-up. Good luck!

  8. I wish some of the old rules were still around. I miss tour the bride and groom make around the reception room, and talk to each and every guest there. Yes, I know why it is not done anymore, the brides and grooms   of the past got bored listening to all  of guests say the same thing, beautiful bride, handsome groom, lovely wedding.

    But if they wanted to , they could have taken charge, and made it special. "Oh, look, there's Aunt Joan, it's official, Dad's whole family is here".  "Oh,  Bob said the cutest thing when he took my hand at the alter, he said..."

    Take charge of the conversation, and be entertaining and entertained.

    And don't be scared, everybody flubs something up at the wedding. The guests think it's cute when you forget the groom's middle name, or say I will instead of I do, or whatever you do. So relax, take it in stride, make a joke of it later. Hey, did you hear me call Bob by my brother's middle name? Heavens, I was looking at my brother to make sure he was behaving, and said his name. Boy, was he surprised!
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