
Wedding advice needed desperately!?

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Have you ever been stressed to the point where you wanted to cancel the wedding?

Every suggestion that I've come up with for locations for the wedding has had my parents excited at first only to later have them shoot it down much later.

I'm currently living in Australia with my fiance, trying to plan a wedding in the US. It's giving me nightmares, headaches, and has stressed me to tears. My mom (in the US) keeps changing her mind on the location and this final time we were about to lock it in. Everyone says to follow the venues myself, but that would be overseas rates at around 4-5 am to call during business hours.

Is it normal to feel this stressed? 13 months and counting down...nothing locked in. How would you plan a wedding from Australia to take place in the USA so that your family can attend?




  1. Having at least a state of choice would help you narrow choices down. What's your preference? Pick one... then I would suggest you hire a coordinator. She'll be less biased than your parents and therefore be able to help you better.

    You have plenty of time to plan... don't worry! Just pick a state to start!

    Edit: Check this site out. I left it at the regional search.

    You can search there for a coordinator. They also have venue listings. The coordinator also can help you scout a venue. I know times are hard but airlines are not going to go out of business! No need to panic!

  2. I planned a wedding for the US from abroad. Or should I say my mom planned it! She lives in the US. It IS really helpful to have someone there to make calls and get info. But you really should decide now. Just choose a place, make it be in the top 10% of places you liked, and dont look back. If its in your top 10%, its going to be perfect and it will work out in the end.

  3. E-mail......and why is she shooting places down? It's your wedding

  4. You're dealing with a LOT not being here to take care of things yourself.  Is there anyway you can make a trip here to the US anytime soon?

    Your parent's aren't trying to be difficult; they're operating from a much different angle than you are when it comes to your wedding, so you do have to cut them a little slack.  And they aren't totally out of line to consider what might happen with the way prices currently are heading.

    By having the wedding here in Ohio, how will that affect your fiance's parents being able to attend the wedding?  That is something to consider.  And what happens if you can 't have your wedding by the water?

    Email me if you want.

  5. You only need to book at about a year ahead you are fine, calm down its ok. It is tottally normal to be stressed. I would take a trip to the states for a week do everything you need to with the venue, hire a planner to take care of everything and have her send pictures of everything to you. It is your wedding not your moms. Don't worry its a stressful process.

  6. Actually you are just excited and excitement gives you that feeling. You need to relax. Here's the compete guide on wedding -->

  7. see if you can take a flight down to the us


    if u cant then look up online brochers(idk how to spell)


    hope it helps

  8. It is completely normal to feel this stressed, but you have plenty of time, so relax.  And with technology the way it is today, you do not need to worry about having actual regular phone contact with any venues.  Sounds like you know what city you are going to do it in, and you just need to narrow down the venue.  You can go to (I think that's right) or just do a search for wedding venues in that city and the other web sites will pop up.  I think there's one called the wedding channel too.

    Then, you should email each of the places and see about the responses you get.  If emails aren't readily available, plan one night to stay up or get up early and call to get the information that you need.  When one of my friends was getting married we put together a list of venues for Chicago, split up the list and then called each place for the wedding information package.  

    If you have someone local, you could certainly have them do that for you.

    But don't stress.  You really do have tons of time and you just need to breathe deep and tell your mom that she's stressing you out and that you want to have the venue nailed down in the next month and ask her to help you.

    Good luck!

  9. Yes it's perfectly normal to be stressed and wanting to call off the wedding. Hire a wedding planner...better yet, delegate some tasks so you'll have lesser things on your mind. It's a lot of work so ignore the overseas rates (and time zone problem) and call the venue and organize it the way you want it to be. Imagine your dream wedding and make it all come true. Best Wishes!!

  10. Is she paying for your wedding? If not, she shouldn't have the power to ax your choices. This is YOUR (as in you and your fiance') wedding. Even if she is paying she should keep in mind that this isn't her wedding, and should only give opinion, not orders. Don't stress, calm down, make a decision and stick with it.

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