
Wedding budget Help!!!?

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My finacee and I just had a baby boy in 2007 and are getting married July 2009! SO that means we are saving up to buy a house because we are in apartment/condo whatever you call it. But we are saving up for a house,wedding, and our sons future! Do you think its bad to give a certain ammount of nummber of people to each parent on how many people they can invite?

The Reception PLace can only seat up too 240-260 people and we want a small- medium size wedding.

Also his parents want to have it that the people can come and go as they please to eat. Isn't that they all sit down all together when the Wedding party eats?




  1. Really, it depends on who's paying for most of the wedding.  If you and your fiance are paying for all of it, it's whatever you want.  If your parents (or his parents) are paying for some, they have a say.  But it's all about compromise.  And if you explain to them why you want to limit the guest list, I'm sure they'll understand.  I just got married in July, and my husband's family was more than understanding when I told them we were having a small wedding and they could invite "x" number of people.  As far as the eating arrangements go, the guests usually eat after the wedding party has gone through the line.

    Good luck and have fun!

  2. Weddings no are all up to you. There's nothing saying that you can't have something of a buffet. Chances are it would be cheaper then a sit down dinner anyway. And since his parents want that, maybe they could be talked into helping pay for some of it since it's their idea. And as far as the number of people to invite, I would tell both sets of parents that your budget only allows for a certain number of people, i they absolutely need more, then they can help pay for that too. Congratulations!

  3. well if you are paying you can tell them how many to invite.  \

    if theya re paying you can do mucha bout it!

    but the smaller the guest lsit, the cheaper it can be!

  4. Is this ur wedding or theirs.....ha.....I would give them each an equal number and say we are keeping the numbers to a minimum and i hope u can understand and feel free to add more to ur list if ur willing to pay for them or a new venue...and as for the eating once again its ur wedding honey so when u invision it thats what u should do...and u can do either depends on the mood more laid back weddings have buffets, more in the middle all sit together and get there own food from a buffet but can only eat at a certain time or the fancier ones have the food served so it depends on the mood of the wedding and the budget and what YOU want...

  5. I think you should stay within your means.  I been married for 2 years and I planned my entire wedding from A-Z. And yes I was on a budget and made it work for us.  Were not poor but he had 2 boys and I had 2 girls to take care of and bills. (we have a daughter together now).

    A wedding can be over rated and some people go all out for a 1 day event and leave s them broke for awhile.

    Yes it is your special day but make it work for ya'll and them wallets LOL.

    Don't over do it if your saving up for a house and your sons future.

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