
Wedding centerpiece idea : brass candelabras. Too much?

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I will have 16 tables at my reception.

My theme is French vintage. I am renting 8 large ornate brass candelabras with hanging crystals for half the tables and was planning on green topiaries for the other 8.

Do you think to use the candelabras on all 16 tables will be overkill? Our venue is a private venue full of antiques from France, ornate mirrors and tall windows that look out to lush gardens. Very fancy pretty vintage looking place. I have gold chavari chairs and gold demask linens over ivory.

So, will 16 candelabras be too much or really go with the vintage theme?

( I am not a huge fan of floral due to allergies, and am scared of silks)

Help from the brides and decorators out there please.




  1. it sounds beautiful, but it will make talking at the tables difficult - people won't easily be able to see or talk to people on the other side of the table.

  2. I agree with your first Idea, and doing them on only half of the tables, and having a nice topiary on the toher half.

    That sounds awesome, and I wish I thought of it for my wedding!

  3. Although I love candelabras, yes, I think you can have too many and they lose their charm.  I like the topiary alternative.

    Congratulations. :)

  4. I don't think it would be too much. If you're going to do the theme, go all the way and have fun with it. Sounds like it is set up beautifully. And Never, Ever go with silks on your special day for anyone else reading this.

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