
Wedding ceremony etiquette question?

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Ok, during the ceremony, what is the bride supposed to do with her engagement ring? Since the wedding band is supposed to go on the finger first, does she wear the engagement ring on her other hand, or just put the wedding band on the outside and switch it later or not wear it at all yet or what??? I am so confused about this and no one I ask seems to remember. Please help? What is the proper way to do this?




  1. I had my engagement ring on my other hand and then after the ceremony was over I switched back next to my band.  I think that's how most brides do it.

  2. I'm going to wear it on my other hand,than switch it over after the ceremony

  3. During our ceremony, my husband put my engagement ring and wedding ring on at the same time. He took the engagement ring back before the ceremony so he could put them on my finger together as a set.

    I've never heard of anyone else doing this though, so I doubt it's the "proper" way, but that's what my husband was told to do by the minister.  

  4. I always wondered the same thing! I guess wear it on the other hand or maybe have your moh hold it

    like give it to her when you give her your flowers and get it back right when she gives the flowers to you then sneak it on real quick

    i guess you can do whatever you want

    what happens if it doesn fit on your other hand?

  5. Put it on your right hand

  6. The way that I did it and the way all the brides I've known have done it is to put the engagement ring on the other finger. Then after the ceremony they can switch it to the other finger along with their wedding band.

  7. It all really depends on what you want to do, as I don't think there is a "wrong" way to go about it.

    I plan on just leaving my engagement ring on and having future husband put the band on my finger on top of the ring, and then switching after the ceremony.  This appalled many family members.

    Or, give it to your maid of honor, mom, or future mother in law, or someone you trust.  They can hold it until after the ceremony.

    Or, you could wear it on another finger or on your other hand.  Or do what a poster above suggested and have your husband to be put it on with your band.

    It really is all up to you.

  8. good question.  i been wondering the same thing.  i

  9. Well, obviously you can do it anyway you want.  It's your wedding, there are no rules.  Most people wear the engagement ring and put the band on during the wedding and just switch after.  The most important thing is to enjoy the day and don't worry about the small stuff.  

  10. Put the engagement ring on the ring finger of your right hand ad then switch it over later.  Good luck.  Don't let the details get you down.  They're not important.

  11. This is totally something you do NOT need to stress over!

    I kept my engagement ring on my ring finger throughout the entire ceremony.

    What you should do, is keep it on your ring finger, add the wedding ring, and then on your way from the ceremony to reception site, switch the rings around real quick!  Or at least right before your pictures get taken.  

  12. For my wedding, I also wore it on the other hand and then switched it after the ceremony, I really thinks this depends on what is comfortable for the bride. I don't think there is a RIGHT or WRONG way. Good Luck and Congrants.  

  13. Skye has it right. You need the hand bare which will be receiving the wedding band. Wear the engagement ring on the other hand, then after the ceremony put it on overtop of the wedding band, so you have it there for pictures.

  14. I asked this the other day and got a lot of mixed responses. I've decided to wear my engagement ring on my right hand because the wedding band is supposed to be put on a naked finger. I will switch them over after the ceremony. I think this is the 'proper' way to go about it.

  15. Put your engagement ring on your right hand and switch it later.

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