
Wedding dilemma?

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I am getting married in November 2008. We were planning a Las Vegas wedding and the invitations were just sent out because we wanted everyone to know in advance to make appropriate travel plans since we live in Pennsylvania.

My fiance's parents have a huge problem with this. I was wondering if we could have a marriage in LV and perhaps some sort of commitment ceremony or something here so his parents could attend. Or maybe the reception in LV along with one here. What do you suggest?




  1. I had a cousin who moved to Utah to be with her man.  When they got married, they had a small ceremony there and then came to Massachusetts (where most of her family is) and had a huge reception a month later.

  2. What are his parents problem with it?  If they can't afford to go to Vegas, it would be cost effective for you to fly them out.  I would rather spend $1000 to fly them out then have to foot the bill for another reception.

  3. If the groom's parents can't attend the festivities in Las Vegas, plan to have a reception back home after you return.  They need to respect your wishes and accept that you two wish to marry in Las Vegas.  If family members and friends can't make the trip out west, they can be included in a [second] reception back home.  Go all out with a wedding cake, champaign, music, food, .. just as you would a reception after a wedding at home.  

    One thing you need to remember:  It's "YOUR" wedding ... not theirs.  Don't let other people's influences change your decisions about how you handle your own wedding plans.

  4. We got married at the local Clerk of Court Office, and my dad and family could not attent.... Well, we are having a Vow Renewal Ceremony, so those that couldn't attend could witness us commiting to each other again....

    Once you come back from Vegas, you could repeat your Vows for his Parents in a little, cozy ceremony....

    Just, don't give up on the wedding you want (Vegas), cause if you do you'll end up regretting it.

    I think your idea for the commitment ceremony is fabulous!

  5. it is your wedding and only your wedding, if your fiances parents have a problem with it then that is there sure you want them to be there so ask if it is because they don't have the money to travel or if it is because it is LV. if it simply because they don't like the idea cause its LV then you have to do what makes you guys happy because in the end it is you two who are committing to each other. you cant please everyone and if you try to you will drive yourself crazy.

  6. You can always have a reception when you get home for those unablet o attend the one in LV.  Many people do that.

    As for the ceremony, you can have a friend stand in for the officiant, since you are already married it doesnt have to be legal, but do the ceremony again for the guests.  OR video the real thing and show it!

    there are ways of doing it, just be creative!

  7. My friend was married in Vegas a couple of years ago. They had the ceremony video taped and had a reception at their home where they played it throughout the reception on a big screen tv. I thought it was a great way to include those that couldn't make to Vegas

  8. I agree with the previous post. Another reception will cost just as much as you footing the bill fo rthem to attend. Vegas flights and hotel accomodation are very affordable.

    If you want them there, then pay for them to go and do make no tacky make-believe ceremonies that are only meant for show.

    Good luck

  9. You mean you just now sprung it on your fiance's parents that you wanted to have a Vegas wedding?  Although I feel that a couple should be the only ones with an ultimate say in how their wedding day looks, I also think it is very important to include "essential" family members, such as parents, in the planning process, so that they know what's going to happen and feel comfortable with it.  If you already sent out the invitations, though, it looks like you're going to have to go through with your Vegas wedding, whether his parents like it or not, but I really think you should have consulted them before getting this far in the planning process.
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