
Wedding duration etiquette?

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I am going to a wedding this weekend, 2pm-8pm, with only appetizers. I think that's a long time for people to go without a meal. What is the etiquette to determine how many hours long the wedding is before it's proper to provide the guests a meal?




  1. I don't know that it is necessarily about length or that there is a set time, but they are going straight through a meal time. It is fine not to offer a meal, even "cake and punch" receptions are acceptable, but they should be planned away from mealtimes. There may be lots of appetizers there though, enough to replace a meal. Don't count on it though. Eat a bit lunch and cross your fingers.

  2. That's rude.  I'd go through a drive thru on your way to the reception.  Make sure you take your bag of food inside with you.

  3. Appetizers and a meal should be expected, That is just rude, and if there is alcohol, you have a lot of hungry drunks. Years ago my husband stood up in his friends wedding . We had to drive 4hrs. to get there . Our hotel was 45mins. from church and 1 hr. from reception, We had breakfast, no time for lunch. got there just in time, he gave us the wrong time for church, Go to the reception which was at 5 and all they had was apperizers. it was over with at 11, you tell me how rude that was, and how drunk everyone got! People are giving you a gift most of the time it will be money the least the bride and groom can do is serve a meal.

  4. Well, I wouldn't have planned a wedding that way. Without supper being offered, I would have ended it at 6pm. You can't do anything about it, though. Eat lunch before you go, pack some granola bars or other meal replacement foods in your purse, and be prepared for the wedding to actually be over before 7pm, as if they don't offer loads of appetizers, a lot of people will leave early anyway.

  5. Very tacky indeed..and not protocol. If you don't wanna serve food, then make it a quick wedding and quick receptionl. Geesh. Bring food with you, or make sure you eat a huge meal before. That is really poor judgment on their part.

  6. Well most people would do a dinner during that time, but if the wedding is this weekend and your just a guest, I dont really think theres anything they can do about it now.

  7. If it's a reception that doesn't include a full meal, it shouldn't last any longer than about 4 hours, and should end well before dinnertime.  Many guests will be getting hungry for real food, not just appetizers, around 6 or 7- The people throwing this wedding should have considered wrapping it up at 6 instead of 8.  

    If it's a wedding that includes an actual meal, it can last as long as you want it to, really, but I have found that weddings lasting longer than 5 hours max (including the ceremony) get a little old after a while, and people start getting drunk and obnoxious after about Hour 3.

  8. Thats pretty bad. Appetizer-only weddings should be over by 4 or 5pm, in my opinion. Also, you cant entertain people for that long without more food, even if there is dancing. People only want to dance for so long.

    If I were you, I would attend the reception from 2-4. Its fine to leave early.

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