
Wedding gown and church deco question.......?

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I am having a Christmas-themed wedding, and I intend to do a silver and navy blue theme for the church decorations. My gown is a simple white A-line one, and I want to have a maroon ribbon around my waist, which looks something like this (but not this exact gown):

My fiance thinks that I should use a silvery-grey colour ribbon, but I do not want to blend in with my church deco.

What do you think? Does the maroon ribbon look awful with my theme?




  1. Your fiance should stick to dressing himself. The maroon ribbon will look absolutely lovely with the theme colors you mentioned. You're right of course about not wanting to blend in with the church decor colors. The bride should always stand out above everything else, and the one ribbon is not overdoing it in the slightest. It will be a wonderful accent and of course goes along with the Christmas theme. You've got a sense of style, so go with it. It might be nice for him to wear a matching tie or cummerbund , or maybe even maroon vest.

  2. you could do a thicker silver ribbon with a thinner maroon riboon over it?  

      If you have someone tie it for you the right way. It looks really pretty.  Specially if it is a sheer ribbon  with a satin trim.

  3. No, you are the bride ( you are supposed to contrast) and this only happens once, so it looks great and you like so GO WITH IT!!

  4. Actually, I think the maroon would look fine.

    You write:  My fiance thinks that I should use a silvery-grey colour ribbon.

    But why not try to make fiance happy?  Guys usually ask for so little when it comes to weddings.  If your fiance has not asked for a lot, then wear the silvery-grey to please him.  Let him feel he made this "big" wedding decision.


  5. great color coordination

  6. The maroon is fine and silver would be dull.  Better than either choice, in my opinion, would be a navy sash.  I think it would fit in with the colours nicely AND would be a bold accent to your dress.

  7. If you're going to go with a ribbon at all I would choose the maroon one.  It will pop against your dress. A silver grey one is boring.

  8. You should definitely go with the maroon ribbon.  It looks so beautiful especially for a Christmas-themed wedding.  Don't worry about matching the decor in the church.  A silvery-gray ribbon would like nearly as nice as the maroon.  The maroon looks so beautiful against white.

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