
Wedding is off announcement?

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how do you make an wedding is off announcement? whats a good wording for it.. including the reason isnt appropriate in this situation but i want to get my point across that the wedding definitely isnt happening. help?




  1. If the invitations have already been sent out you should be calling everyone you invited and telling them that the wedding is off.  If you haven't sent out the invitations then there is no need to tell anyone anything.  

    If you have received any gifts they must all be returned to the giver.

  2. Dear ___,

    We regret to announce that our wedding on (day) of (month), (year) will not be taking place. Thank you for your support and understanding during this time.

    Sincerely, ___ & ____

    I would keep it short and simple. You should not feel it necessary to include the reason why, only the fact that the wedding will not occur. Then for those close to you of course you can share the reason(s) why personally. Then let close family members take the phone calls from concerned family and friends. I am sure this is an extremely difficult time, and there is no reason to put more stress on yourself. I am really sorry to hear about your situation, best wishes during this time.

  3. its best if you call and tell everyone and say sorry especially if your cutting it close to the date. DONT go in to detail on what happened just say it did not work out and that you two decided together to call it off. If you want to send cards Right I am sorry to inform you that our wedding  has been canceled. We are deeply sorry for an inconviece this may have caused.


    YOU and the EX

    Try to be straight to the point but not point any fingers. and make sure you say sorry. its not that your saying it cause your the reason the wedding is over but saying it cause some people depending on how close it is may have gotten gifts or made arrangments to come. GL

  4. That's really sad. I'm sorry it didn't work out. I would write something like:

    Dear ____________,

    It is with great disappointment that I (or we) inform you that our marriage on (insert date here) will not be going ahead. We have decided to cancel and go our separate ways for reasons we would like to keep private. Thank you for your understanding, love and support.

  5. The posting before me is correct; short and simple and not their business as to why?

  6. I regret to announce the wedding has been canceled... Apparently, I picked the wrong guy and gave him the wrong finger   :-)

    Just making light of the situation hope it made you smile, I know it can be tough.

    Good Luck!

  7. 1st - I'm sorry for your disappointment.  How about something like this:

    Dear Family/Friends,

    I have some disappointing news to share with all of you.  As you know, I planned to marry on (insert date).  For reasons I do not wish to share right now, the wedding has been cancelled and will not be rescheduled.  I thank you for your love, understanding, and support.

  8. To _________,


        thank you for your support of our upcoming wedding, however due to recent circumstances, the wedding will not be taking place.  we appreciate the kindness you have so joyously given and hope you to be there for future special occasions.



  9. I'm really sorry for your sad news.  I was just researching wedding invite tips on today, and ran across this short article about canceling/postponing a wedding:

    Best Wishes.

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