
Wedding pictures......did anyone just buy the rights to their pictures (all the pictures on a CD)

by Guest45494  |  earlier

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from the photographer and then print the pictures on your own? Where did you have them printed(ie. Walgreens)? How was the quality? Please tell me about doing it this way instead of buying the reprint package from the photographer. Thanks!




  1. My bro and SiL did this. They printed everything at Ritz Camera. Their pics were great and the enlargements were just the same as a photographer would have made only they cost a LOT less lol.

    My fiance and I have purchased a professional album in addition to the rights to our photos. My SiL has offered to have them all printed for us at no cost since she once managed the Ritz Camera store (nice!). Our photographer told us there is very little money in having them do the prints anymore since so many places do them for less. She recommends Snapfish and I know they do great work since I have used them for other things.

    Good luck!

  2. The pro packages are insanely expensive.  Mine were like $4.00 for a 4x6.

    I uploaded all of mine to snapfish.  When you sign up, you get 30 free 4x6 prints.  (Or it may give you the option to get them in 3.5x5, which will eliminate the problem of heads being cut off.

    They offer them in glossy or the matte finish, so you can get your preference.  

    I managed to get all 350 or so printed in the 3.5x5 format, so I at least have an album that includes every shot he took, for about $30.00

    AND I was able to share all of them with my friends and family, so if they wanted to print any of them they could.  I also created a wedding "Group Room" where my friends and family could upload the pics that they took too... so I got about another 100 pictures from them too!

    My photographer package included a certain dollar amount for prints, so I use that up for the bigger 8x10 and 5x7 shots for myself and our parents.  But snapfish is capable of doing those too for a much cheaper price than the pros.

  3. Well if you go to walgreens (I use to work photo there) if there is any watermark or emblem on the picture they wont print it. I use to just tell people to find someone with a good printer, and to buy some printer paper, and WA LA! Also it doesn't matter if it's on a CD we always had to evaluate on printing or not, since we got like a $200,000 fine if we got caught printing copyrighted photos.

  4. I did that for my engagement photos and will be doing that - with same photographer - for my wedding.

    It was a piece of cake and I used for the pictures and to make postcards that were used for our engagement announcement.

    I got a letter from the photographer giving me permission to print all the photos, but ended up not needing it.

  5. It all depends on the photographer you choose.  Some will give you the pictures when they are done, some want you to order them.  It is not like it used to be, more and more photographers will put your pictures on a web site and anyone can download and print the ones they choose.  Just make sure you find a photographer that allows you to do this.

  6. I would deff suggest buying or asking for the CD of your photo's. You can use Wal Mart or Walgreens or even CVS but those 0.19 will add up quick! I recomend Their photo's are amazing and you can do everything to order prints. You can order them on canvas, bags, coasters (which are amazing!).... my husband and I ordered Christmas Cards with our photo on it for 0.04 each. Their cost is very inexpensive and they always have specials! I made a wedding scrap book online at winkflash it is so beautiful! I love to scrapbook but I haven't had the space. So making online is a space saver!! All I need is my lap top with my photo's already on it..... then make it!

    Right now they have a special on photos 0.06 each print. They have an easy upload form where you paste all of your photo's and it very fast! I use and as well but they can take up to 3 days to upload photo's then even more time to chose the prints and sizes. is very fast and very affective! You can share your photo's okline within minutes of taking and uploading the photo.

    Being a photo designer and home decorator, this is the fastest, most inexpensive and most recomended site!

    and buying prints from the photographer can become more expensive paying upto 6.00 for a 4x6..... that is expensive, and if you even want mre prints or re-prints you have to hunt down the photorapher and hope they can find your files and then wait on the prints, buying the CD is very fast and you get ever print and you do not have to choose prints of your BIG DAY! You get them all, forever!!!

    Good luck and Congradulation on your wedding!!

  7. I print all of the pictures I want to off my home computer. I have a good printer and buy photo paper, and everything turns out great.

  8. I didn't have to pay for the rights for the photos he gave us a cd with the pictures and a letter releasing the rights. We had them printed at Walgreens. We were lucky to know the woman printing the pictures so they were excellent. I would say they will be good just make sure your photographer didn't do what ours did. He had all pictures formatted as 8x10 so when you printed them they cut people's heads off...luckily like I said we knew the woman and she fixed them for us.

  9. I have all of my digital prints done by Shutterfly. You can even design photo books on there. A guy at work brought his in and it looked amazing.

  10. This is generally a good way to go.  I've seen them done by wal-mart with fine quality and suspect walgreens would be just as good.  I didn't go this route myself but my mother was the photographer. That's how I know this is a good method.

  11. does great pics at a great price. you just upload your pics and order them in whatever size you want. i have been pleased with every pic that we ordered from them.

    if you do get rights to your pics you can make your own coffee table type album too, i recommend

    both of these companies are excellent quality at a way more affordable price than getting them form your photographer. there is a big difference in the quality you get from them then from walgreens, walmart, or any other place like that.

    also make sure that your photographer gives you written rights to all the pictures and that it is not just a verbal things. if you do take them some place to get made and all you have is a verbal agreement then the place most likely will not do them, copywrite laws are strict.

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