I'm getting a little bit frustrated with my in-laws...My fiance and I had our date set for 6/21/09, but were asked to change it because of my mother-in-law's family religious beliefs. That wasn't too big of a deal since it was pretty easy to change the venue date and everything, but now the mother-in-law is declaring she will be sending out "at least" 75 invites, not the 50 I designated her and her husband. My goal was to have 150 guests (200 invites TOPS sent out) and guests were to be split between by mom, dad, step-dad (all divorced), fiance/me, mother/father in laws. MY parents are paying for the wedding.
What should I do? Set strict guidelines? Tell them they have to help pay? Let them do whatever and just expect my parents to deal with it? Help please! Thanks!