
Wedding reception Gibraltar/surrounding Spain?

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I'm getting married in october and have my ceremony sorted and am now looking for a suitable location for wedding receptrion for around 20-30people. We'd like it to be more of a quiet dinner (in a private area) than a typical disco reception. Any suggestions?





  1. As the previous answer said, stay in the area you are getting married in.. I would imagine you are getting married in Gib as the paperwork for marrying in Spain is horendous if you're not Spanish.  Best thing would be to make a trip to Gib & checkout some places, might need to be booked asap, Gibralter not a very big place!

  2. Gibraltar/surrounding Spain?

    That sounds ominous - if your ceremony is in Gibraltar, stay in Gibraltar for the reception; if it is in Spain, stay in Spain;

    because it is my confirmed German non-PC view that you can never know when the Spanish b******* are getting into another of their proto-fascist fits, and block the border (as they do frequently); you don't want to spend your whole wedding day in an effing traffic jam at the border, do you?

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