
Wedding was called off what happens to the bridesmaids dress?

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I was set to be the maid of honor in my friends wedding. Her fiance called the wedding off about six months beforehand. She was sad but started dating again weeks later. I had put a $100 deposit on my bridesmaids dress. She is trying to get half of the deposits for the wedding from him but never mentioned my dress. She now has the dress and wants to give it to me. She said I bought it. I'm not sure if she expects me to pay her the rest of the money or what. I would never ask her for my money back because of everything she has been through but I admit I am a little miffed that she hasn't offered or said anything about my wasted money. Nothing. I don't have a lot of money and this was a big expense for me. Should she have offered? And, if she wants me to give her the rest of the money what should I do? Thank you in advance.




  1. Well the proper thing for HER to do would be to refund the deposits for all of the dresses... but if she won't/can't do that, she certainly shouldn't expect you to pay for the dress.  And if she asks you to, I'd tell her to keep it.

  2. She should have offered, but I'd bet that she's strapped and is hoping her little hint will get her off the hook.  A little honesty would go a long way here.  Someone has to get paid for making up the dress I assume.  Is there something the two of you can work out together?  Frankly, if you planned on buying the dress anyway, I would assume you have the funds?

    It probably sucks, but depending on how much of a friend she is to you, buying the dress complete might help her out a lot.

  3. The wedding was called off. I think she needs to pay for the brides maid dresses. Why should you pay for something that you will never use and didn't even want in the first place?

  4. She started dating again weeks later?  Doesn't sound like she is that upset about the wedding.  (My fiance whom I had been in a relationship with for 6 years broke up with me, and I was devastated for months.  Took me a year to decide to start dating again.)  Call her up and ask her how she wants to handle the dress issue.  Tell her you really don't have any use for it, nor do you exactly have the money to just pay for something that will only sit in your closet.  Tell her that she can keep the dress.

  5. The tasteful thing to do would be for her to refund your money.  I'm not feeling sorry for her since she's back to dating so quickly, so she doesn't seem too distraught by this whole thing, and she has enough wits about her to get her own money back.  If you ask for your money back, I have a feeling she will cry and scream that you are not being supportive of her situation and your friendship will be over.  If you don't ask, you might continue to feel taken advantage of and the friendship may be damaged anyway.  This is your call.  How important is the friendship to you?  If you want to remain friends, overlook this and forgive her and the $100, but don't stand up for her in her next "wedding."  If you aren't interested in continuing the friendship, asking for your money back is worth a try.

  6. I would not pay her the rest of the money for the dress-tell her to keep it.  You paid a deposit for a dress but that is all.  You may lose a friendship over this though, be prepared.

  7. You don't want to ask for your money back? Oh h**l, no! If you are so meek about it, you deserve everything you get! Because of course she wants you to pay for it! Why do you think she said that you bought it? At that moment you should have said that you wouldn't have bought it if she wasn't getting married.

    As for your sympathy about her plight with the cancelled wedding? It may very well be misplaced. First of all, how do you know she's not a witch, especially given that crack about you having bought the dress? Also, even if she got dumped, she should still be sensitive to the fact that all of this is not your problem. This is especially true given that I am sure she knows your financial status.

  8. Sell it on ebay then talk to your friend about what to do maybe you both can use the money for girl time

  9. I think you should forget about getting the $100 back but if she asks for the balance due on the dress I think you should regretfully decline.

    I'd bet a nickel that she won't ask for the rest of the money.

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