
Weddings are supposed to be happy right?

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Then how come I am so depressed? I feel horrible right now. The man is right, the time is right, but I just can't take the stress. I don't know what to do, I thought I was supposed to be happy.




  1. I just got married in june and dont feel bad. It is so stressful especially when the bride is the one that has to make all the decisions and plan everything. As long as you love the one your going to marry and its the right time you will be happy, it will just be at the wedding and on your honeymoon and when your done with all the hassle. It will be stressful but hang in there, it will be worth it. Congrats lady!

  2. What are you stressed out about?

    Having been there before recently, I can tell you most of the things that people stress about are beyond control and not worth the worry.

  3. Weddings are so emotional and stressful.  you plan for months, pay thousands if dollars and have a 5 hour party.

    Plan whats truly important, take advice but gow with what you two really want.

    Relax when you can and take planning days off to just be the two fo you!

  4. I have awful anxiety, especially when it involves talking on the phone to people I don't know.  I dealt with it during wedding planning by relegating all of those tasks to my husband, while I took care of a lot of other stuff.  It kept me sane, but if he wasn't there to help at all, I would have been a complete wreck.  

    If that's not your problem, you may be having a hard time coming to terms with changing your status from dating to married.  It could be subconscious, and all you know is that you're stressed.  Take some time to talk to someone you trust other than your fiance.  Talk out all your fears and anxieties and stresses.  You should feel much better.

    And remember... wedding planning only takes up such a short time in your life.  It feels like everything now, but soon it will be only a distant memory.

  5. For some people, they are happy ... and for some people they aren't.  I am one of those who were unhappy.  My wedding was almost 23 years ago, but I doubt that whether it was 30 years ago or last week that it would make any difference.  

    I hate stress.  My husband (who was my fiancee 23 years ago) hates stress.  And, unfortunately, weddings are stressful.  Just take a look at some of those charts that list life's most stressful events, and getting married is right at the top along with the death of a loved one.  All the worry, all the planning, all the expense -- its bound to take a toll on even the most even tempered person.  Except for those capable few who thrive on stress .... my daughter is like that, completely opposite of me.

    One piece of advice a very wise woman told me all those long years ago, "No matter what happens, no matter how much you worry, no matter who shows and doesn't show --  you will STILL be married."  Boy, was she right.  Even with all my stressing, trying to make sure that this special day that was supposed to be the happiest day of my life was perfect, so much that I could never have anticipated, or even prepared for, happened.  My dress, which was the same one my mother wore for her wedding, ripped every time I hugged someone (and I wasn't wearing a bra!), the icing on our cake melted and all the layers shifted, my future sister in law who agreed to serve decided at the last minute that she just didn't feel like it, and the photographer NEVER showed.  Plus, I was so mad at my future husband, we had a huge fight the morning of our wedding day, as I walked down the aisle all I wanted to do was turn around and run away.  But, we got married.  And we are still married.  Friday will be our 23rd anniversary.

    It's not much longer now, and just keep in mind that no matter what happens, the two of you WILL be married.  Take a deep breath.  Let it out .... it will all be over soon, then you both can return to "normal".

  6. You made it stressful! Should have eloped!

  7. This happens more often than people are willing to admit to.

    A lot of pre-wedding stress might be there because maybe you're trying to do so much.  Let your MOH, MOB and even FOB help you more.

    Weddings and marriage is a big life change, and that, too, can bring on stress and anxiety. Pre-wedding jitters are very common.

    Try to really take care of you right now: get enough rest, eat well, exercise, that sort of thing.

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