
Wednesday Kate oppinions...

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i know this name is either "you love it or hate it" but i really like it and i was wondering what you thought?




  1. It is different, but I think I like it. It sounds kind of cool. My niece has a friend named January. I like that too.

  2. Hate it. I can never think of Wednesday more than a name of a day or a dog on Girls Next Door. Sorry. *

  3. I like it!

  4. You mean, like, Sunday Rose only different? I don't like the idea of using the name of a day as a name for a human. I love Kate though.

  5. Hate it.

  6. It just reminds me of the Adams Family movie. No offence or anything. I like the name Kate though.  

  7. I think it would work if she was born on a Wednesday. It's an ok name.

  8. I like both names, just not together.

  9. Well, Wednesday Adamms probably didn't know she would be starting a trend way after her time lol. Well, I think it is a unique name which isn't bad at all...but it's just unique... Sunday was after an Australian art muse if you didn't know... Nicole's father suggested it. But anyway.  

  10. Yuck. Please no.

    Wednesday is a day of the week, not a name.

    Not only that, it reminds me of the Adam's family.

  11. I think Wednesday is cool, Kate's pretty common, but I like it to.

  12. well, i like Kate, but not too fond of Wednesday.

  13. im sorry, but i hate it :(

  14. love it

  15. Stupid.  I said it before and I will say it again.  DON'T DO THAT TO YOUR POOR BABY!  

    Don't you know that the FIRST act of respect (or lack thereof) that you show your baby is NAMING her?  Would you want her to come home crying because people made fun of her name?  Let them make fun of her voice, or her hair, but NOT something that can be controlled...In this case, her name.

    Stop thinking of what YOU like, and think about your CHILD.

  16. i do not like it. its so weird. sorry. that just my opinion.

  17. I actually really like it.  The thing with names like Wednesday and Sunday are that they're unusual (obviously lol) but I love these kinds of quirky names that have escape routes, of some sort lol.  Wednesday could always go by Wendy if her name bothers her enough, and Sunday by Sunny.  I personally think Wednesday is the cutest week name anyway (maybe because I loved the Addams family growing up lol), as opposed to something like Friday haha.  And Kate sounds great with it; short and sweet to balance out the pretty long Wednesday.  It's not too frilly and overpowering over Wednesday, which is nice.

  18. That is not even a name it is a day of the week.  

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