
Weed heart beats too fast!!! and wont stop plz advice!!?

by  |  earlier

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first i want too say i hope you read all of this I'm 16 i tried weed about 2 times nothing happened but then the next time i freaked out everything was zoning out and i was freaking OUT i felt my heart beat and it was racing very was evey one at the party felt my heartbeat and thought it was laced with coke or some thing i felt like i was going to die i was so scared i was crying because i thought i was going too die so i tried it again because my friends said it was laced so it wont happen again so i did and then it happened.... again  so after that i stopped for GOOD then 2 days later i was sitting in class when i started zoning out and my "panic attack" kicked in so i went too the nurse and my heart rate was at 152 per min. she sent me home she did it about 2 times then i freaked out bad i went too the er and they did not find the prob. after a bunch of heart test, my vision is diff i cant focus things with my eye sight and every thing looks far away and sometimes i feel very depressed i dont look at life the same way  so when I'm thinking about it it kicks in or watch a scary movie or just anything that would you nervous its been 2 months and comes time from time I'm i the only one?? and do you think this will go away?? by the way  just writing this makes me nervous and my heart pump a little faster

if you thinking about using it for the first time dont its the worst regreat of my life




  1. Well you've only smoked it twice so the chances of it having an effect are very very slim. Panic attacks and weed are non related so I think its probably something else like social phobia. Get your eyes tested you may just need glasses and the depression is probably caused by something else.

    Spend less time watching scary movies and more time excercising and eating healthily you will feel much happier. (:

  2. Holy ****, thats intence! I tried pot and got high for my first time when I was on acid and it didn't s***w me up like that!

    It must of been laced!!! Who ever you got that pot from, don't go back to them again!!!

  3. u probably had an allergic reaction or there was some bad **** mixed in with the weed

  4. Wow! You screwed up. Try getting pills or something they have them


  5. That used to happen to me I think I was super paranoid and I stopped because of it.I dont think you have any lasting effects, and it will soon be just an unpleasant memory.  

  6. What ever it was that happened with you must be very rare! Because almost everybody I know, enjoys smoking pot, and it's a fun way to add a bit of spice to an otherwise dull world, and at our age, it's hard not to take things for granted in life, yet the use of pot completely changes that around so it is possible to appreciate everything that life has to offer. It's definitely an eye opener. I'd suggest that if you do pot, you get it from somebody you trust next time. It's never worth it to trust pot that you have no idea where it came from. The very first time I tried pot, I didn't know that I should follow that rule too, so I'm pretty sure what I had was laced too. I went into a completely different world. My friend's face turned into a sloth, and he started crying lol, and I could not stand up for the life of me, I would try to and my feet would just starting running and I'd run into a tree and fall into the snow on my bare hands, completely disoriented but probably laughing most of the time. After that experience, I didn't try pot again for 5 years, not even once, and I just recently got into smoking it every now and then just over the summer, and it's nothing like what you described. It has many people supporting it's legality for a reason, because it's really not that bad. Your body has a very strange reaction to it though, I am assuming it definitely was laced, which is brutal, it could have been cocaine, considering that is the most popular drug to lace pot with, and that was probably what the stuff I had for my very first time was, but I sure wish my first time wasn't laced.. If it isn't your thing, thats okay. It's definitely going to go away, just give it more time. As each day passes by, you will notice it less and less until eventually it will be gone and everything will be back to normal. I'd suggest if you ever try pot again, just smoke a very small amount, and only do it if you know the source, it's not worth the risk of smoking pot that you don't know where it came from or if it could be laced! Good luck.

  7. it sounds like you have anxiety.. a racing heart is not a direct side effect of weed, but anxiety attacks are. when you are stoned you get paranoid and hypervigilant therefore anxious, nervous, freaked out you name it.

    this is all a automatic reaction of the body's nervous system to let us know when something is not right (heart races, sweats, vision blurred).

    it is caused by adrenaline (in US epinephrine).

    you need to maybe talk to someone about your emotions as anxiety can be very scary, and can cause depression and sleeplessness. there is a lot of support out there for people with anxiety, and dont worry you're not crazy it happens to most people.

    maybe talk to a school counsellor, psychologist or even a GP. you can look on the net as well for support networks and relaxation techniques.

    hope it gets better :)

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