
Weed hits from a pen?

by  |  earlier

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lol. this is my second weed question tonight. i emptied out a pen so i just have the tube. can i take hits out of it. i just tried with tabacco and i got a thick smoke out of it when i hate the lighter in front of it




  1. in a pinch, u could hollow out an apple and use aluminum foil for a bowl. it works and u don't have to worry about melted plastic fumes.

  2. you can smoke weed out of it, but after a few hits it'll start to melt. you should invest in a bowl, hitter, pipe, of bong. when that metal, glass, or lastic starts to melt you start breathing in that somke and that could be dangerous. plus you start to go through alot of pens. trust me, a bong or a bowl will be your best friend.

  3. dont listen to that neni *****... there a bunch of haters... its not good to be smoking from that... the plastic will melt and breathing in plastic is REALLY BAD get rolling paper or look on youtube at apples or water fall bongs.. or if your 18 just go buy a bong or glass Piece(spoon,bowl,etc...)

  4. one day... one day..

    you'll run out of brain cells and you'll stop having bright ideas like this one

    for the pothead underme!

    NERD, im not hating, why the #^&#& will i hate on some pot head who smokes weed? get a reality check MORON!

    if i wanted to doWEED, i would be on it and high off my *** right now, and of course, having great ideas like u guys have, who obviously have a veryy pretty outlook on life.

    but its ok.. I bet it feels great to mop on your *** all day and live with ur parents and sleep all day in a sofa at the living room. THATS THE LIFE!

  5. i concur with guitarnerd
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