
Weed killer?

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can any one please recomend a fast working weed killer that wont affect my dog .thanks




  1. 2-4D is cheap effective and is safe after one hour of drying.

    It is made by many manufactures it's easier to ask for then to try to figure out wich bottle it is in. It must be dilluted as per instruction and kills hundreds of specie of weed

  2. What type of weed and is it on your lawn im assuming so as you do not want it to affect your dog.

    Try Wilkos own brand

  3. Sorry you must be more specific what you want it to kill and where are you using it no one can give you a proper recomendation with what you have so far provided Sorry but I'm afraid that is the truth

  4. The shop bought weed killer is not very strong.  Try using Jeyes fluid if it is for bricks or tiles.  If it is for the garden look up Green thumb.

  5. dont use chemicals pull them out your self when u do that you harm animals and earth

  6. Vinegar is a good herbicide and won't harm your dog. It won't kill every weed and may require multiple applications, although most young weeds will die within a couple of days. Other than that, try a propane torch.

  7. Very simple answer.

    MSMA  can be used in Bermuda grass, not St. Augustine.

    This is a grassy weed control.

    2,4-D is a broad leaf weed control, but don't us it in St Augustine if temp is above 95.

    Spot treat the weed, not entire yard.

    Aerate lawn twice a year, apply pre-emergent is fall/spring and fertilize 3 or 4 times per year.

    Lawn will look great, weeds go away, everyone is happy.

    Hire a service if this is too confusing.

  8. Weed be gone works well.

  9. round up but you would have to do it on a dry day and keep your dog off it untill it is dry sorry it will kill your lawn if you are after a lawn weedkiller use verdone

  10. Glyphosate Aka roundup is a non selective herbicide kills almost anything on foliar application.

    its also systemic meaning once its on the leaves it will kill the roots as well, this all takes time and the plant in question.

    Application rates are located on the  package and the best time to apply is  when its warm and sunny as  leaves work more  during sunny periods due to photosynthetic increase.

    Glyphosate is supposedly safe BUT.. they also said that about DDT, Agent orange(245T) white(24D) and a host of other chemicals.

    you can apply with anything from a paint brush(on the leaves) to a boomspray as such can be controlled rather well.

    always wear safety equipment and wash your application equipment out extremely wel lor the next thing you use it on will probably die.

  11. It all depends on what type of weed you want to kill!

    This is why there are so many weed killers avaiable!

    For a weedkiller to work on a "tough" weed - Dandilions etc... you need one that will kill the root...

    Simple + RoundUp (safe - once dry)... However, it takes a while to kill the root (but once it's gone - it's gone!

    If it's a weed in the lawn - then you need a selective weedkiller...

    Simple = Verdone (kills just the weeds)

    These are UK answers!

  12. round up is a good effective one.

  13. Here are some weed killer sites - check them out and see what they say about safety and pets etc. . . . .

    Pathclear Fast-Acting, Long-Lasting Weed Killer Review in Plant ...Read Trusted and Unbiased reviews of Pathclear Fast-Acting, Long-Lasting Weed Killer in Plant Care Compare Pathclear Fast-Acting, Long-Lasting Weed Killer ...

    Weedol - Review - Fast acting weed killer Advantages: fast acting weed killer. Disadvantages: won’t kill off nettles. Weeds growing between your patio slabs or coming through the cracks in your ...

    Fast Acting Weed Killer  Eliminate unwanted vegetation fast with Fast Acting Weed Killer! Containing potassium salts of fatty acids, this non-selective weed control kills all plant ...  

    I'll be frank with you about the use of weedkillers.  I have never really trusted them, not because I think they poison the land, which they don't, but because I do not really think they work all that well.

    The most effective method of killing weeds, on pathways, is to use a blow torch.  This can be controlled so that it only burns the weeds and nothing else.

    It works. . . . .
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