
Weed smokers answer only?

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did weed made u creative?i wont try it, but why do people say that it does?




  1. Weed makes me sleepy, I need LSD or shrooms to really start to feel different.

  2. i dont smoke weed

    but i know that getting high does make you think different

  3. It makes you enjoy other peoples work more, i.e. Music and art, but I think it blurs your own creativity. Although when high your thought processes are different and you come up with some great ideas, you can't seem to find a way to use them. whenever I write I wouldn't dream of using weed.

  4. It definitely can. If I'm high things are enhanced, music sounds better, art looks better etc  I can get motivated by it. And more creative. The problem is if you smoke it all the time (abuse it) those positive things go away and you just become absentminded ,tired, numb,and hungry. I do love smoking but you can't smoke say everyday. People who do that (and I have done that) are escaping something they don't want to deal with. Basically, I'm for doing everything in moderation.

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