
Weed users?

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why dose it seem like that the only thing you live for.. the most important thing in your life?




  1. people become addictive to the high,when i was high school i was picked on and stressed out all the time on because of that ,on top of that i had insomnia,weed cured all of that

  2. because it makes you lazy. You become lazy so smoke more weed to dull out the fact that you're a lazy bone-idle pothead.

  3. lol your so stupid **** off

  4. smoking that much weed means 1 of 2 things.1)your really stupid,because you can only get so high,or 2) you are smoking very S****y weed

  5. IDK.

  6. you are meeting the wrong people who have a strong psychological attachment to it.  since it can help anxiety and is a very medicinal plant to begin with, people with symptoms it treats are more inclined to keep smoking.  as for me, its like a fine beer or wine.  i like good weed for taste and feel.  its like being a connoisseur, not like it being the most important thing in life.  a maxim to live by for other recreational drug users: take more out of the drug than the drug takes out of you

  7. i love weed, but when not used responsibly its can get that way but never near as bad as what alcohol will do to you. not even close

  8. it is one of the best things i have discovered in my intire life, i would marry it if it was legal (which one day it will be)

  9. because it is...

  10. If someone gets in the habit of smoking it several times a day, it becomes their "normal" state, so it feels weird and not normal to cut down.  It can bring on anxiety because it feels weird.

  11. It's not the same for all people. I guess the people that let it take over thier lives have addictive personalities. I'm a proud pot smoker but i know whats important in life. Do it for recreation !

  12. Its good to relax.

    Unless you allow it to take you over, then its not okay anymore.

    I've had friends who smoked, and it's not a big deal, but then of corse one of them starts playing the game, becoming addicted, dropping out of school, etc.  Which wasent cool.

  13. to me it is not the most important thing in my life. it is an occasional thing.

    It's not so much of a party kinda thing. Or something i do every day.

    It is a very relaxing thing. When you are with your bf/gf it can calm your nerves. You are still alert when you are high.

    so it's not so bad.

  14. I know losers that do nothing but think about getting high, but as a fellow smoker, that's not the way most people react to weed. Your friend needs a hobby that doesn't require a bowl  pack.

  15. Because you have THC receptors:


    "THC has mild to moderate analgesic effects, and medical cannabis can be used to treat pain. The mechanism for analgesic effects caused directly by THC or other cannabinoid agonists is not fully elucidated. Other effects include relaxation; euphoria; altered space-time perception; alteration of visual, auditory, and olfactory senses; disorientation; fatigue; and appetite stimulation.

    The mechanism for appetite stimulation in subjects is believed to result from activity in the gastro-hypothalamic axis. CB1 activity in the hunger centers in the hypothalamus increases the palatability of food when levels of a hunger hormone, ghrelin, increase as food enters the stomach. After chyme is passed into the duodenum, signaling hormones such as cholecystokinin and leptin are released, causing reduction in gastric emptying and transmission of satiety signals to the hypothalamus, respectively.

    Cannabinoid activity is reduced through the satiety signals induced by leptin release. It also has anti-emetic properties, and also may reduce aggression in certain subjects."

  16. I smoke weed everyday, yesterday after a long story my bowl and my weed were stolen. Right now I am so bored that I am reading through questions on yahoo but I am perfectly fine without smoking. Its the most important thing only if you have nothing else to live for. I was doing stuff all day long and I was fine but now that I don't have anything to do since its so late, I am craving weed.
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