
Weeds- how do i get rid?

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is there any way of permanently getting rid of garden weeds , especialy the annoying ones that grow in between the paving flags , they are so annoying , is there any weedkiller that will stop them from growing back




  1. sprinkle down salt, thenm pour white vinegar over  them, will soon turn brown and die.  is cheap and nontoxic way, not like all pesticides, even using in local schools here to kill weeds, as cannot use roundup, etc due to toxins, it does work, not small bad either.

  2. after roundup, you need to fill the gaps

  3. round-up, good weedkiller

  4. Sodium chlorate is intended to 'permanently' kill weeds. What it actually does is damage the soil so nothing can grow. Its a bit hit and miss though.

    Round up will kill your weeds but won't prevent other seeds from germinating. If its just on your patio any spray gun weedkiller will do the trick if its done two or three times a year.

  5. Yes ,use Round-Up.  But in a garden, cut the bottom off a plastic 2 liter soda bottle and remove the lid.  Put the bottle over the weed (basically a plant in the wrong place) and spray through the top opening.  This prevent killing plants you wish to keep.  When spraying between pavers, keep the spray nozzle close to the ground to prevent blow-back and wear face protection.

  6. you  can   use  a  hoe.

  7. Round up - most local DIY stores stock it - kills the weed and then the roots - one spray and give it a few hours and they start to wilt and die -

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