
Weegie board.....?

by  |  earlier

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my friends and i were thinking of making one and yousing it what do you think should we do it ?




  1. yea that's just stupid if your going to make one at least spell it the right way

    if you really need one go out and buy one

  2. Don't do it. What I'm about to tell you, I swear on my life it's true:

    My grandparents travel the world, been to many countries in Europe, and they actually help get rid of troublesome spirits. They say the using the Ouji board is THE most dangerous way to contact the spirits because it opens a portal for bad spirits too. It actually ATTRACTS them. My friends used one, the spirit they were talking to got really mad, and he started slamming doors, breaking dishes, slamming the shutters on the window. It's all really dangerous. Really, there's safer ways, like a seance, just don't use the Ouji board.

  3. the Ouija board can be very dangerous.

    You have no control over who or what you summon.

    More important you have no protection.

    Find a witch and find out about  Protection Rites

  4. In my opinion dont use it, my friends used it once before and after that little incident I REALLY recommend that u shouldnt use it.... my friends had NIGHTMARES about dieing and their families dieing. And they always get visits from shadows ...i'll stop advice ...please dont :'( or no more fwee hugs *sniff* :) just stay away from that stuff and be happy how u are now ^_^

  5. If you can't even spell it (Ouija); how in the h*ll are you going to deal with the spirits you are supposed to be contacting?

  6. Maybe you should buy one. *gasp* I bet you never thought of that. Split it [the money] or something. No one really cares for those anymore.
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