
Weejie boards?

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are weejie boards true do they really work because everytime i have done it they have worked and i got to speak to my dad and grandma




  1. OUIJA! not weejie. I don't know if they work...but I don't like demons so I don't try to connect with them...

  2. You just answered your own question ... Ouija boards must work if that was your experience ... hmmmm ...

  3. they work sometimes.. it all depends on how in tune you are with stuff like that...they can bring negative energies to you & draw bad spirits to you

  4. i believe it...

    if u dont and ur doin it wit a friend and u think ur friend is the one movin it do this...

    u said ur grandma died rite??

    well ask a question be did u die grandma....

    and if they answer wrong then u kno that ur friend is movin it

    if i were u tho id ask a couple questions just incase they r movin in and they gav a lucky guess

    oh and im sorry bout ur dad and grandma =[

    they can be dangerous because if u talk to the wrong spirits then they can haunt ur house

    well thats wat i believe anyways :)
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