
Weekend break?

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hi - we live in london

i want to go a weekend break with my partner, for my birthday dont know where the best place to go is?

we're considering chester is it good?

we love york but have been alot of times before

can anyone recommend anywhere else?

we just want somewhere with nice sights to see, stuff to do, nice eating places, shopping, nice town etc.

dont think we could go to france or anything?probably too expensive and we're really inexperienced with foreign countries.

looking for something reasonably cheap.





  1. Bath, York, Chester, Lake District,

  2. How about Bath?   I've only been a couple of times but really loved it - not that far from London - architecture is interesting, lively city, good food, easy to walk about so no parking worries, lots of places to stay, really good food.   Have a good weekend.   Hope this advice not too late.

  3. Stratford on avon, lincoln or chichester.

  4. Oxford is nice and has plenty to see and do.

  5. Chester is nice....but so is Derby and Liverpool.

    Blackpool if you want a fun weekend but it's not very cultured!

  6. Cheltenham is lovely, i know because i live here. In fact anywhere in the Cotswolds is nice. Oxford is also nice, as is Bath. Harrogate is lovely too. Or Torquay or Portsmouth if you want to have nice romantic strolls along the Prom

  7. Come up to edinburgh, beautiful city with loads to do, get a cheap flight up and try a website called top secret hotel(s) to find a cheap hotel. You will love it!

  8. yes you could go to France, if you can't afford Eurostar go as a foot passenger on a ferry ... try Boulogne rather than Calais (and they mostly understand English although trying out whatever French you can manage would help an awful lot)

    Durham - Colchester - Norfolk Broads

    I wonder why no-one has suggested Brighton

    if you're willing to travel at anti-social times and book in advance you can get some great flight bargains to Edinburgh, Inverness, Ireland etc
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