
Weekend jobs for teens?

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I know you have to be like 16 or something to have little part time jobs, but is there anything a 13 year old can do? I just want to get some extra money because its the summer hols and I'm totally skint. I don't get pocket money for washing up from my parents 'cos they think its something I should do normally.

By the way, I don't live in America where they do paper rounds so that's out of the question. I don't know many people down my road so I cant really ask them if they need chores done or anything.

I just need a few ideas that will help me make a little bit of money.





  1. Local market as a Saturday girl?

    LOL, that's what i used to do in my summer hollidays, i used to get paid 22£ for 4 hours on the Bag Stall

    =) I'm from England

  2. Babysitting, yard work, snow shoveling, etc. You could also go into your nearest town and find out if theres someone that could use some little extra help. Like for example where i live theres a pizza place and this 12 year old stands outside waving a sign and gets paid for it. And my other friend sweeps up hair at the barber shop down town. It would also help if you knew people. Like family friends, parents friends, friends parents. You could ask if theres anythign you could do at there jobs. Like file certain things, or clean up something, etc. Babysitting is really effective.  

  3. I know when I was younger I did a lot of things for my community. I'd go around with flyers on babysitting, housesitting (getting mail, watering plants, and taking care of animals while they are on vacation or had to make an emergency trip out of town), I did very little yard work but that gets you good money if you do it right. Lots of car washes for my high school got me good shares of money. Me and my friend bake stuff and go to hospitals and give them out (make sure you get consent from the hospital, my friends mom works and manages the hospital so it was easy for us and they give you great tips if you make good food lol). Also I work with my brother and his karate camp, its volunteering and running around with kids from 6am -noon. I wasn't paid..and once the parents found out I was dedicated THEY paid me (tips...some parents gave me 20$ just from one person). There's lots of options just pick what you like and you'll start getting the cash. Good luck

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