
Weekly lesson plan for kg 1 children on the theme red.?

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I need some ideas to cover the topic red with my kindergarden 1 children in the class room




  1. Monday- introduce red by having a treasure hunt game. place a card in the flannel board with the color red or word red written in red marker. kids have to look for all the red objects in a basket. later at circle time, inspect each item and try to name them. other kids who can write and read can copy the words on the list of red objects.

    Tuesday- paint with red. they can recall the objects they found yesterday. don't forget to label their work. practice describing the objects as red ball, red apple,,,etc.

    Wednesday- beading using red. have kids string beads of different shapes with red color. they can try to copy a pattern ex. heart, circle, square...etc.

    Thursday- Bingo dauber activity. write the word RED or red on a blank paper. ask kids to outline each letter with a red dauber. after, they can try creating other figures with the red dauber.

    Friday- Red riding Hood day: Tell the story and prepare a red hood the kids can use and try on for dramatic play. You can re-tell the story by asssigning them characters.

    You can also use a red lipstick by marking their lips on a paper for red lips. Or you can have them wear something red to school (red hat, red headband or ribbon, red jacket, red socks)

    Have a nice red day.

  2. I would be teaching the concept and reading and writing the word all at the same time.  Put different color pieces of construction paper on the floor with the color words written on them.  Play music and when the music stops, the children need to tell you who is standing on the red piece.  Have the word red available for them to trace, perhaps as a center activity.  Have red paint at the easel for them to paint with.  Have them make a collage with magazine pictures or newspaper sale ads that show red food items.  Place index cards on the floor or table with color words written on them in black.  Give each child a turn, one at as time, to find the word red.  If someone has a hard time, let the other children give support.  John, Mary is having a hard time.  Can you tell her what letter "red" starts with?  Go to this web site:

    and click on Music and Songs, and then Colors, for music ideas to add that will support this theme.

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