
Weekly schedule on feeding sugar gliders?

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Im getting closer and closer to buying a pair of sugar gliders, 1 male, 1 female.

Once my dad agrees on the idea at least...

But Im trying to build my knowledge, so far I have learned a lot!

Especially about the BML diet, but my question is how am I going to feed them varieties of food? I am wanting to kind of mix it up a bit, like maybe a weekly schedule of what Ill feed them on monday, then chage it a little tuesday, then wednesday and so on. I have read that you are suppose to feed them 2 cubes of the BML diet a day[or is it 1 cube?], is that PER sugar glider, or does the 2 cubes cover the both of them? since I will have 2 sugar gliders.

And is it true that I only give them 1 tablespoon of everything I give them? How do I know if Im feeding them to much? Are the veggies and fruits considered snacks? how many times do I feed veggies and fruits to them?

And I know I would need to keep 'dry food' in the cage at all times[along with water], but what kind of dry food are they talking about when they say that? Are they talking about sugar glider food, that found in pet stores?

How do they drink water? A bowl, or those water bottle things?

So many questions...hope I get anwsers to all[:




  1. Don't get a sugar glider from a pet store, for one. I just added that in because the first answerer said something about pet stores.

    I feed my girls the BML diet, and they LOVE it. As far as mixing it up a little, the only thing I would ever change are the fruits and veggies you feed. Don't ever mix up different supplements, because it could throw off the delicate balance of the phospherous and calcium ratio, giving you a very sick pair of suggies.

    I just use a normal sized spoon and give each glider their own spoonful. But if you do the cubes, then yes, it's one cube per glider. Remember, they're eating all of this throughout the night. You need to give them fruits, veggies, and bugs EVERY night.

    With BML, you shouldn't leave a dry food with them. Again, you could throw off the balance. If you want to leave something in there for them during the day, you could always use fruits or veggies, just make sure they're not something like bananas that'll turn black in half an hour.

    Water bottles are recommended. If you use a bowl, their p**p could fall in it, they could tip it over, etc. Be sure to keep a little hanging dish under it though, in case it drips. Most people put two water bottles in the cage.

    If you have anymore questions, you could go to and make an account. It's awesome there, and there is a forum on there that you can talk about anything, so you don't always have to be talking about gliders. You can ask any questions you may have and they'll most likely be answered. :) My username on there is Konotashi, if you sign up. :)

  2. This website will tell you everything you need to know about sugar gliders. You can post asking questions if you need to know something. These people are very experienced in glider knowledge.

  3. ask the pet store people about feeding and bottle would be better for drinking.

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