
Weening 2 year old of paci?

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We took my daughters paci away on Sunday. She's been without it for 3 days now.

Now she is is sooooo crabby all day. Not just at night time and that was the only time she had the paci. She throws these terrible temper tantrums where she throws herself on the ground, kicks, throws.

Is this going to go away? I dont want her to hurt herself, but at the same time I dont want to pay attention to the tantrums because I dont want her to think they are ok. But she will scream her head off for an hour straight until she hyperventilates if we dont pick her up or something. This cant be good for her.

We dont know what to do. She's keeping everyone in the house awake, especially her older brother. We are all slowely loosing our minds.

What should we do?




  1. The tantrums will be related to being tired and frustrated. Don't worry, it won't last forever nor will it cause her lasting trauma. She just needs time to adjust to not having the pacifier. This may go on for a few more days and then she should be sleeping and the tantrums should subside as she gets more sleep. We went through this at age 2 as well. My daughter was used to going to sleep with her 'soosie' and then when she would rouse slightly in the night (which is normal) it would have fallen out and she couldn't find it so would start crying for us to come fix the problem. That wasn't doing anyone any good so we had to just let her 'cry it out' for about a week. It was one of the worst experiences ever. Luckily, my husband and I were both of the same mindset and so could get through it without fighting about it, but all the same it was misery. She did eventually learn how to go to sleep by herself and has been a great sleeper ever since, so it was more than worth it. Good luck!!

  2. It sounds like a normal 2 year old tantrum to me. It has nothing to do with the pacifier at all. Whatever you do, don't give the pacifier back. If you do, you will definitely have a much harder time getting rid of it a second time. The best thing to do about tantrums is ignore them and do not give in to what she wants. Otherwise, they will continue. She will eventually stop because it's not getting her any attention.  

  3. Weening is a bad idea and just taking it away is best.  It will be rough for about 12 days or so and then they just get over it.  My son used to flop to the floor then slam his head into the floor when he threw fits and theres no sign of brain damage lol.  The less attention paid the shorter the fits will become and it wears on your nerves but she has to get it out and learn that fits don't work on mom and dad or you will have issues for years to come.

  4. If you're not willing to deal with the tantrums and you give it back to her there is a trick that helped my daughter.  On her first b-day we took it away a cut the nipples of all the pacis.  She carried one around with her for a few days but got tired of carying around a useless piece of plastic and eventually kept forgetting to pick it up.  There wasnt any stress for her and it was peaceful in the house.  Although, I think if you give it a few more days your daughter will forget what she is crying for and things will be better.  Maybe try giving her a special blanket or stuffed animal to give her security.

  5. temper tantrums is normal.  

  6. Don't give it back.  She will eventually stop.  Maybe try giving her a "lovey" (a special blanket or stuffed animal etc)when she wants her paci.  Good luck.

  7. Sounds like it's not so much the pacifier as it is the "I'm not going to bed and am going to pitch a fit to try and get my way".  Put her to bed and get her a soft cuddly stuffed animal she can sleep with (or a special blanket even) and tell her "it's bed time and you can not scream or get out of bed."  Read her a story and tuck her in then, reiterate the part of not screaming or getting out of bed.  If she does follow through with telling her again and putting her back in bed.  

    If she's throwing these tantrums because she doesn't get her way over something during the day put her in a place you can see her but that she won't be hurt and walk away. No audience no fun to throw the fit. If she doesn't calm down, put her butt in time out and tell her "I'm in charge and I said no. You are not listening to mommy and you will not be allowed to scream and kick and carry on when you don't get your way."  Let her scream in the corner for a minute or two.

    You can't allow this to continue or she's going to grow up thinking she can pitch a fit and get her way. whatever you do, DON'T cave in to what she wants during a tantrum or it will reinforce the behavior you don't want.

  8. don't give her her paci back! when she throws a tantrum, put her in the corner-time out. tantrums are not ok and you need to make that clear with her. make sure she's occupied with hobbies throughout the day, which is less chance of a tantrum. she stays in time out until she calms down. then, explain what she's done wrong and make her apologize. 2 is not too young to enforce this. if you wait, it will only get worse. good luck.

  9. i to loved the "binki" at least that was what i called it. you should have went with the old "the pacifier fairy came and took them" but since that wasnt told you could get her sumthing at the store like walmart and have her pick out sumthing to fill that void. take sumthing like a lava lamp to help her get to sleep let her watch it all night. also you could reward her with sumthing everytime she quits her temper tantrums or doesnt have one, like going out for ice cream. get her kool night lights new sleeping dolls and anything that will get her to stop the temper tantrums and stop crying for that paci.

  10. Give her back her paci. My niece gave her up at four and it's no big deal just make a deal where she can only have it at certain times of the day. That is her comfort just like playing with someones hair or smoking a Cig. It relaxes her. My daughter is four and sucks her thumb. Some people say its bad but shes not hurting anything and she will drop it when shes ready. Thats just my opionion.

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