
Weight Lifting question.?

by  |  earlier

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Im going to start lifting weights soon but I dont really know what the best techniques are. Please help with that.

In my basement I have a lot of different equipment like benchpress, (sorry i dont know the technical terms) pull down thing, some free bars and loads of weights to add to any.

Im mainly going to do upper body and some ab stuff but I need hlelp with upper to try to build bulk.

Is more weights and less reps better then less weight with more reps?

Please give example if possible. (LIke is 150lb bench press 4 timesbetter then 100lb 10 times)

Any info is appreciated.





  1. You said you want to bulk up right. Then you want less reps and more weight. Using more reps and less weight will bulk you up, but alot slower. If you do not increase that weight you will not get stronger or bigger. You want to lift the most weight you can for 8 reps (do 3 sets of that). This causes hypertrophy, which is bulking up. Now if you want to get stronger/increase you bench, lift the most you can for 6 reps (do 3 sets of that).

  2. bench press

    1X12 reps of 150lbs

    1X10 reps of 160lbs

    1X8 reps of 175 lbs

    better for bulk,

    more reps at same weights are good for toning

  3. i lift all the time..and i personally think less weight and more reps is the best gives you more of a workout..whereas more weight uses up more energy at one time..i'd only go with more weight when you max out..but if you're just working on upper body, basically to make it less difficult..i only work on my triceps biceps pecs (chest) and abs, because the way i see it they're the most noticeable upper body muscles...use the bench for biceps..closer grip works the pecs, and wider grip on the bar works the for the pull down thing, lol that would work your biceps mostly too...and for the triceps, just take a dumbell, and extend your arm up and down, basically till you get tired..then rest and do it again, but i've found you dont need alot of weight to do this at all. just do it in intervals..and for your abs, just sit on the bench and put some kind of weight on your chest (medicine ball), and do a sit up ....if not all of this, just do a regular push up for biceps, sit up for abs, and the dumbell thing will work for the triceps, not hard at all...ohh, and dont forget the pullup...hahah, have fun and good luck

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