
Weight and pregnancy questions?

by Guest62205  |  earlier

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how come women who are overweight or under weight have such a hard time getting pregnant?

if theres any website that has this info or u personally know why please let me know.

also what is the heaviest u ever knew of a women being pregnant and the thinnest weight u ever knew a women.

im just wondering...





  1. your body needs fat to ovulate and if you have to much your body slows down on the ovulate that is why but i am fat aa problem getting pregnant

  2. The links between weight (usually measured by BMI) and fertility aren't clear, but it's basically because weight can have a an effect on hormone levels, and how regularly you ovulate, possibly as well as egg quality.  There is an increased chance of miscarriage if you are overweight as well, I am not sure about being underweight.  Threre is some info here: and on this site:

  3. From about 350lbs to 98lbs. It doesnt go on your weight. It is just that when God thinks its time then its time.

  4. I weighed 89 pounds when I found out I was pregnant with my first.  I was very stressed and unhealthy though.  I had no problems during my pregnancy and gained until I was 118 pounds.  She was completely healthy.  The links I've listed below tell more information about weight and conception.  :)

  5. I was the smallest of my friends when I got pregnant at 98 pounds. I know some women who are my height who where like 250 or 260 and got pregnant. None of us had problems getting pregnant, actually we got pregnant while on bc and using protection. Now my weight has nothing to do with my ttc but for some women it makes there period irregular or can actually make them not have a cycle at all. I think if its going to happen its going to happen.  

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