
Weight and the military

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k so in order for me to get into the military its necessary for me to lose 90 lbs. its very hard to do and they wont even talk to me till i lose the weight. ive heard that boot camp will make you lose lots of weight fast. y cant i just try to lose it during bootcamp when its critical and a goal to work towards you know .. lots of motivation?i believe it would be wayy easier. hmm.just a random question. help?




  1. If you really want to lose weight and join up, you need to be doing some good excercise at least a jog, as often as you can. If you find that you don't have the discipline to do this by yourself, I don't think the military is for you.

  2. I agree, it would be very unhealthy to lose so much weight. And people of healthy weight even lose weight a lot of times from bootcamp. It's really extreme. So that's just way too much stress for your body.

    But I am surprise the recruiter won't even talk to you! I'm overweight by 30 pounds (true, not as much but *still) but the recruiter always wanted to see me and measure me to try to get the smallest measurements. And he even offered to go to the gym with me and when he took over the "bootcamp" class he said could pull some strings and have me join for free! Unfortunately I didn't lose weight and moved (talk about a disappointment for him). But he was so amazingly helpful. I'm disappointed they won't even talk to you, way to convince you to join! Maybe you should see if there are other recruiters around. But you HAVE to lose weight if you want to join. At least for your own good.

    I wish you had more help. I suggest you find someone to lose weight with, a gym/diet buddy. And ask your family/roommates/friends everyone for support. Just a reminder of what you really want when you don't do what you need to do would help.

    Also: my recruiter told me it's not based on weight as much as it's based on your BMI. So you'll want to figure out what that is. I've heard of some pretty big guys joining. And even under all the have to pass a fitness test before you join. The recruiter can't change that.

    Best of luck. I believe you can do it if you want it! =>

  3. I heard that John Candy died (ala 'Stripes').

    You need to loose the bulk of that weight and be within the parameters of entrance to the service.  You will undoubtedly slow down the team if you conned someone into letting you in the Military before you are PHYSICALLY capable.  Sorry, Man!

    You need to find the discipline and drive inside yourself to lose this weight not just to join the service but for your health.  

    Good luck, manno.

  4. It's not just about losing the weight--it's about keeping it off.  Too many people focus on boot camp and what they need to do to get through it, but boot camp is at most 13 weeks (Marines have the longest).  After that, in theory you're a grownup, and you are responsible for keeping the weight off.  If you already have an issue with weight and you're depending on boot camp to take care of it for you, you will struggle with it your entire career, whether that's 4 years or 34.  They're not trying to blow you off, they're trying to help you see beyond the boot camp motivation and adopt lifestyle changes that will hopefully carry you through a successful career.  If you can't get it off on your own, it will be very difficult for you to keep it off on your own.

  5. Don't get in a hurry to lose weight. It will come back on when you revert to your old eating habits. Being 90 lbs overweight should take you about a year to lose it at a safe rate. Here are some diet tips and the fitness requirements for the military.

  6. I agree, you should find the motivation in yourself first, or you're going to be going through even more h**l at bootcamp. Be a little more organized, and start a healthy diet, and fitness plan. Start off slowly so you can gradually adjust to the workouts, and I suggest you talk all this over with your doctor. It's never going to be easy, you're going to have to work hard either way. And if you're looking for the easy way, then the military isn't a good idea.

  7. It is d**n near impossible and highly unhealthy for you to drop 90lbs in 13 weeks or less. It's just not gonna happen.

    Change your eating habits and eat more lean and healthy meals. Exercise regularly and be consistent. It will be a process, but if it's something you really want to do, then it can be accomplished.

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