
Weight issues. major help pleaseeeee?

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so i am going to be a freshman in highschool come this ept. and i am nervous. im not nervous about losing my away around the school or getting teases. i could care less. im nervous about my weight. the last8 years i did gymnastics and i had a muscualur body and then i quit and gain weight now i get called a man and fattie and everything that has to deal with being fat. i am 5'3 and weigh 151. my stomach is nasty looking and i refused to wear a bathingsuit this summer. i have been starving myself lately and its gottin me in depression and pain. help. advice on healthy weight lose?




  1. eat smart    exercise regular   and things will fall into place very nice

  2. To loose weight healthily you should adopt a vegetarian or vegan diet, if not for the animals, for the health concerns, and exercise regularly.  You can go buy the book called Skinny B.i.tch, it will give you  more reasons than I can list why meat is unhealthy and causes weight gain.  Lift some weights, because that burns fat, and get your cardio in, because it's good for your heart. :]

  3. Well, first things first. Do not starve yourself. Either cut back on what you are eating, or eat healthy. What else you can do that refers to eating, is eat small portions every other hour. It makes you digest food much better,  and increases metabolism.

    Exercising wise, you should just jog consistently. As a matter of fact, constancy is important to a diet, cause if you do it one day, and decide to lay it off one day, you're going to just lay it off one day after another. So it's important to be dedicated.

    In essence, eat healthy, exercise, and be dedicated.  

  4. some people say it's hard to loose weight. one year ago, I tried really to loose weight. I work out at least 2 hours a day, p.s don't eat a lot. I lost 10 pounds at beginning. After i lost 10 pounds, my weight kept like that. If i stop working out, i will gain weight. This year, I didn't try to loose weight but in 2 month, i almost lost 15 pounds! I work at dining hall, and everyday walk to work. I eat whatever I want still lost weight. So, try to find a job and work hard.

  5. Make a daily routine.


    everyday in the early morning jog for 15-30 minutes.

    ((remember 2 stretch before and after))

    [[Join a online wieght loss club, to boost your sparkteens]]

    do 20 pushup and 20 situps

    have a workout video or find a workout show on tv


    cut out fats and carbs

    do not splurge... ever

    do not drink soda

    eat 6 small meals a day

    this will keep you matabilism up

  6. Stop starving yourself.  You have to do this sensibly if you want to stay healthy.  fFrst of all, you need to talk to your parents about it and ask them for help and ideas.

    Keeping a food journal really does help.  It will give you a much better sense of how much you are eating, and when, and why.

    Make a few small changes - walk everywhere, always use stairs instead of elevators, walk on escalators, get up and move around at least once an hour if your work or life in general is sedentary, walk every day, use a pedometer. Walking 10,000 steps a day is a really good idea. Build up to a long brisk walk everyday, or most days. Do more sports and less TV and computer.

    Start a weight lifting routine. It will help increase your metabolism and make you feel and look better in so many ways. Join a gym. Possibly you can find one that has someone who specializes in weight lifting programs for beginners. Weight lifting will increase your metabolism as well as improve posture and appearance overall.

    In terms of diet, cut out or reduce things like junk food, pop, fat, fast food. Eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meat, fish. Drink plenty of water. You will begin to see changes. Even though we would like it to be different, there is no quick fix. But stick with it. You can be successful.

    The moral support you need is what comes from within you. If you are ready to lose the weight you will stick with it and do it. It doesn't matter what your friends or family say or do.

    Check out websites about nutrition, weight loss, exercise, weight training, etc.

    Stick with it. You can do it.   Here are a couple of  helpful links.

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