
Weight lifting. How often?

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My 14year old godson has started weight lifting. When he asked my advice as to how often to lift I told him he should train every other day to allow his muscles to grow between sessions. However, I have seen weight lifters on the TV say they train every day. So what is best and why? Many thanks, Adam.




  1. first of all you need to understand the basics of building muscle mass.

    When you lift weights your actually tear muscle, these tiny tears then fill with water (this is why so many people complain of actually gaining weight when they start lifting.)  Once these tears occur you need to let them heal before you lift again.  I lift every other day, and work on different parts.  for example today I will work on lower body, legs calfs, thighs etc.  The day after tomorrow I will do core, stomach abs etc.  then the day after that I will work on upper body, chest arms, neck etc.

    This gives my muscles time to heal between each work out.  

    with that being said, 14 is actually way to young to start an aggressive weight program.

  2. Every second or third day is good. He should start pumping iron every day when hes fully grown otherwise he can s***w up his muscles.

  3. he;s not at any risk to stunt his growth that is a myth..

    and he is best to train each muscle once a week

    and training 4 - 5 days per week a different muscle per workout

    what is best is either 2 days on and one day off, or u are best to do mon to fri and off sat and sun..

    make sure he is eating well, more protein

  4. No weight trainer/lifter worth is weight in salt lifts everyday, your body needs time to rest and repair muscle (after all, this repair and rest is what actually grows his muscles). If you hear anything about training everyday it is probably cardio - as you can get a way training cardio everyday, but only if you are already in tip top shape.

    You are correct in saying that your body needs time to allow muscles to grow, I would say that if he is just starting to lift - no more then 3-4 times a week to build up his muscles and not to get to sore, I would also tell him to drink a lot of liquids and eat healthy meals (obviously good for a life choice - but important when starting to work out). Also, please make sure you either teach him proper technique or he learns proper technique as injury can occur to people unsure of how to lift properly. is a great website to teach proper lifting techniques, although I don't agree with all their philosophies on lifting (Body building = vanity, whereas when I lift i'm looking for strength, flexibility and athleticism) they have great videos of how to do proper lifts.

    Hope this helps!

  5. dont let him lift    it will mess his growth!  make him do pushups situps pull ups stuff like that   his own weight

    never let him lift in a gym, when he is about 16 17 he can lift as much as he wants

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