
Weight lifting for grappling?

by Guest32566  |  earlier

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I was under the impression that lifting weight 8 to 12 times is best for Martial arts such as brazilian Ju-jitsu. What dose not make sense to me is why I keep reading everywhere that 8-12 reps builds muscle big well fewer reps like 1-3 or 1-6 are better suited for strength and less for size. Can anyone explain to me why then you should lift weight 8-12 times if your gonna lift weights at all?




  1. For grappling or Martial Arts you want to concentrate on lean muscle mass. Super high weight low rep sets build bulky mass, and will help you gain strength gains quickly if you were a power lifter.

    However a grappler or Martial Artists is concerned with just getting their bench up, they are concerned with functional, explosive strength. 8-12 reps is good for building lean muscle mass, and as long as you are lifting weight (sticking to Olympic style lifts, and circuit routines) you will get the strength and endurance you need. You want lifts that focus on explosive power, and functional strength for all around body strength.

    You should spend a lot of time on core muscle groups. I also highly reccomend doing your routines in cycles that include a plyometric routine to break things up. Meaning you do weight training for 6 weeks, then take 3 weeks of just doing plyos without lifting weights.

    Constantly shifting routines will keep your body from plateauing on a certain routine, and having your gains slow down.

    There's a lot to it, but yes you want to focus on lean muscle mass, and not bulk mass.

    Hope that is of some help.

  2. If you want a good grappling workout then u should check out the Randy Couture circuit. Circuit training is the best for thiigns like MMa because it develops endurance and explosiveness. Also check out API training or caveman training

  3. Weight lifting is a way to build strength and you will find hundreds of articles and opininions on the subject and which builds strength/size/speed the best. as an athlete i find that weight training is essential for speed and power, and have actually increased my speed through the correct lifting schedules. the 8-12 reps will give you muscular endurance and strength and will not build great size. for a fighter you need to be the fittest/fastest and strongest possible for the weight you are at, therefore you will need to include plenty of body weight exercises in your training program to keep you fast and lean. pyramid sets are in my opinion and experience the best suited to martial arts and full contact sports, your reps should be as follows 20-15-12-10-8 this will give you strength, endurance and tone and when done in this order will keep the weights your using away from your 1rm weight.

    good luck

  4. mate for martial arts lifiting heavy weigths is very bad for you if decreases your speed but makes you stronger but speed is very needed in martial arts.

  5. I think you have it mixed up. High rep, low weight builds strength while high weight, low rep builds mass. 8-12 reps is in the middle so you can build strength without getting too big and slowing yourself down.

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