
Weight loss help please?

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how do you lose weight and stay committed to It? I am having such a huge problem losing weight and staying commited to It and I really want to lose weight and change the way I look. I am tired of blowing It. any advice?




  1. I am the same way. I yo-yo diet and just cannot stick to one.

    This time, I have done the Weight Watchers point system and I have stuck to it now for almost 6 weeks. It's a reasonable way of eating and it is pretty easy to stick too, just do not go over your point allowance.  I just had a baby so I really need to lose weight. I weigh myself every Monday morning.

    I guess what did it for me is clothing. I am sick of never fitting into anything cute.

    So, go to the mall and pick out some really cute clothes, don't buy them but imagine what you would look like in them if you weighed less.

    Think of a guy who you have a crush on. He might just be interested if you lost the weight.

    Keep yourself occupied. I find that I am an emotional eater and I eat out of boredom. Find something to occupy your time with so you do not binge.

    Good luck  

  2. My advice is to eat what you normally eat, but get EVERYTHING fat free, low cal, and sugar free. And eat LOTS of things with fiber. If you get in the habit (and get used to the taste) of eating fat free things, then you will definitely loose weight and stay skinny.  

  3. 1500 calories is a good amount for your daily intake. Eat regularly throughout the day. Its a common mistake to just eat 3 big meals and nothing inbetween, but this will do NOTHING for your metabolism!  

      Eat lean meat, fish and fresh fruit and veg, but allow yourself the things you really love once a week on your "cheat day" But don't go too overboard!

      Walk to work if your close enough, and try and get down to the gym a couple of times a week, just go at your own pace!

    The way I personally do things, is I have an intake of around 1000cals a day. Its not difficult because I just eat a 100 calorie snack every couple of hours, like a piece of fruit or a breakfast bar. Im eating regularly throughout the day to keep my metabolism going, and I stay full. The weight really does just drop off!

    Good luck, I hope I was a help. x

  4. I just started to do this about 5 weeks ago and read about 200 websites

    I think the biggest thing is making a life change, not going on a 'diet'. Make changes that you know you can keep up.

    Here's what I've figured out:

    The only thing that matters is how many calories you take in vs. how many you burn in a day.

    Most sites recommend eating around 1400-1800 calories a day. Anything under 1200 puts your body into starvation mode and actually works against you - your metabolism slows and more food is stored as fat.

    You can eat anything you want to use up those calories, but unhealthy food will get you there a lot faster, so you'll actually learn to make better choices just so you get to eat more. Aim for lots of veggies, lots of protein, and a decent amount of carbohydrates.

    On top of that, exercise is really important. When you get your heart rate elevated for 30 minutes, your body actually burns more calories at rest than usual for the next 24 hours. Try to do some sort of cardio (walking, jogging, biking, whatever) most of the days of the week and add in 2 strength training sessions too (just not in a row). Muscle burns more calories at rest than fat, so it's important to use weights or do resistance training. You can actually turn your body into a calorie-burning machine.

    Keep it varied, don't eat the exact same thing every day or do the exact same workout.

    Make sure you have a good breakfast full of fiber so you're less tempted to eat during the day.

    Here's what one day might look like:

    Breakfast - 2/3c. granola, 1 yogurt cup, a big handful of berries (330 cals)

    Snack - an apple (80 cals)

    Lunch - an egg salad sandwich with lettuce on whole wheat bread (approx 300 - 350 cals)

    Snack - a cheese stick (70 cals)

    Dinner - As many steamed vegetables as you can fit on a plate, 1c rice, a piece of chicken the size of your palm (approx. 500 cals)

    Snack - hallowe'en sized chocolate bar or one of those 100-calorie treats you can get these days

    You can eat tons of stuff, you just have to choose it right. Just start writing down the calories in every single thing you eat, and you'll see how you can adjust things.

    Try to eat less fake stuff, and more real food. It's simple and if you make a sustainable change, you can keep it up forever.  

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