
Weight of my 10 week old female german shepherd?

by  |  earlier

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She will be 10 weeks on Friday and she is a bit over 20 lbs. Is this a good weight? Her mother was quite small but her father was veryy big. People think that since she is a girl she will take after her mother but perhaps she is taking after her father? 20 lbs seems a bit much :S Her paws are huuuge too.




  1. If her paws are rather big then Yes she will be a Large dog. Just b/c she is a female doesn't mean that she is going to take after her mom. With GSD it is easy to tell weather your dog will be large or on the small side by their paws. (Sometimes this isn't always the case, but most the time it is).  

  2. my german shepherd weights 85 lbs. and he is going to be 10 moths old in september 25

  3. look at my new site about dogs

  4. That seems like an ok weight! I have a Shepherd that just turned 13 months he weighs in at around 70lbs!  When he was 9 weeks he probably weighed about 15lbs!  As long as she isn't being overfed and getting enough excercise then she should be fine!  I wouldn't be too concerned about it!  As far as who she is taking after its hard to say when they are that young but I can tell you that no matter what you  have a great breed!  My dog is very well behaved and has made a great pet!  I would definetly make sure you get her plenty of toys!  The harder the better because she will be losing her teeth across the next 3 months!  Plus you can train her to get her toys instead of chewing on things that are not meant for her to chew!

    Good Luck and enjoy!

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