
Weight on Acting resume?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so I'm 5'5 and about 140 lbs, but I'm not fat. I'm very athletic so it's a lot of muscle.

I'm afriad putting my weight on an acting resume will turn people off and make them think I'm heavy when really I'm about the perfect size.

What should I do?




  1. I would put down your measurements instead, or attach a full-body shot of yourself to your resume.

  2. Most people who will be seeing your resume will also be seeing you in person, so it shouldn't matter.

  3. take five or so pounds off if it makes you feel better, whatever the weight you think you look is.  most people arent that good at visualizing the numbers anyway, its just for a ballpark, they will have to actually see you.  they wont think that to be too heavy for your height.  if they are looking for an average size person they will know thats what you are.  it would be numbers like 200 or 105 that they wouldnt want if they happened to be interested in "average build", or what have you.

  4. I'll assume you are young and new at this, no offense.

       If you have ever, or will ever, do a resume for anything, personal characteristics are legislated as not a point of any criteria. Might we all encounter Bias? Absolutely, but in person, and even then with vague excuses.

       If you ever LOOK at a sample of a professional resume, you'd get a clue that experience matters, qualifications matter. Geez if I were to discriminate against what others ARE in the sense of appearance, to take on a job offered, I'd lose a lot of potential employees. That might matter if I wanted someone VERY SPECIFIC.

       If you've ever filled out a job application,,, have you ever once seen WEIGHT:________??? Certainly it might apply in the case of a Jockey.

      Part of your issue, even in your Perfect size statement, is some insecurity. Believe this. If you audition for a part that requires tall/skinny, I suspect you might either be fooling yourself, or you're being gently lied to, if you are rejected.

       If you stop letting it matter,,,as long as you're OK with YOU, then it may not ever be an issue to any prospective employer.

       Finally, and I say this without treating you as a short bus person; have you ever watched a play or film? Have you, in doing so, noticed that all the people on stage, or in a shot are not "PERFECT"???

    Just my 2 "scents"

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