
Weight tips/issues, Really worried..Please help!?

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Don't tell me Im stupid for worrying but Im 5'3 and weigh about 130 this overweight becuase when I wear shirts you could kinda see like a mini roll UNDER my bra strap about 1 inch under it and I still have like a really small gut over my jeans...not a huge gut but like...small...

What should I do about these problems? Should I try one size up for jeans? What about the shirts?...are there anything I can wear to prevent these from showing...please remember Im only 16..

Also, I've been doing cardio on one of those ellipical machines or however you spell them, for about 30 mins each day. But recently I've skipped it twice in a row...Is this good? Like should I skip a few days to allow my muscels to rest and grow? But I WANT results ASAP..

Also, I've been doing my cardio routine, changing up the resistance level every now and then and warming up/cooling down but problem weight is still the same. I've even GAINED a few pounds and I don't think I got any skinnier..What is the problem? Could it be that the muscels are growing but the fat is...? iunno, I can't explain..

I haven't really been dieting, I've been watching what I eat like lately I haven't had any junk foods or snacks but shouldn't I be losing weight..not gaining it?

What should I do? Wait a while and maybe the pounds will start to shed? What should I be eating more of?




  1. Eat lots of fibre diet, fruits, veggies, plenty of warm water and lots of exercises, yoga rigorously and vigorously.

  2. hhmm have a park nearby? go walking everyday and once or twice a week spice it up with soe hills and some good running. lots of water, low fat, high protien, low sugar. i have a tape of ab excercises called Abs Yoga for Beginners with Rodney Yee, its by Living Arts, look on ebay maybe or target has carried the living arts brand before. It really works on your core muscles and toning while relaxing at the beginning and end of the tape. And by the way, these other people are right, let your body rest in between, dont stress about your weight, you are by no means over weight at all. its good to be health conscious though, youll feel better in many ways. def get sized for a bra, vic secret does it and sometimes jcpenney does too. and watch where your pants are hitting you cuz sometimes you need a specific waist spot for your body type. Like if I get them too highi get a roll and im freakin skinny. ive had 2 kids though my tummy isnt as firm, and that tape i told you about does wonders for me. good luck, you are beautiful just the way you are, dont sweat those little things.  

  3. Don't panic.  If you panic, you are sure to feel helpless and guilty and make some bad decisions and things will look worse.

    I think you need to tone up and this will take a few weeks to start to see results.  A healthy diet and a good fun fitness routine will do it for you.  Have a look at the links below to help you get started.

    Meanwhile, wear clothes that suit the shape you are now.  Avoid stuff that clings in the places you don't want to emphasize. You really don't have much weight to lose, you should concentrate on getting fit and toned, healthy and happy.

    If you make a plan and work on it, you will get good results in toning up your body. You'll feel great and look awesome.

  4. Your muscels need time to rest after weight training. However, cardio exercises (like working out on an elliptical trainer) can be done effectively everyday.

    Don't worry if you gain a few pounds. Your weight will always flucuate a bit. At 5' 3" and 130 pounds you would have to gain at least 11 pounds to be overweight, so you probably don't have to worry about that.

    To flatten out your belly try some ab exercises (crunches). This probably won't cause you to lose weight (but that's okay because you're really overweight), but it will tighten up your stomach so that it's not hanging over your jeans.

    Hope that helps.  

  5. You are at a fine weight for a growing teen. The bra strap and jean problem you are having is common. I'd suggest getting a size larger in jeans and get fitted for a bra. You could just have the wrong size.

    As far as your weight, muscles do weigh more than fat.

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