
Weight transfer in my golfswing...does hip rotation make the transfer more natural?

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i just got back from the range...and im a terrible at range adjuster...if im not hitting well, sometimes my swing gets even worse from trying too hard...anyhow, i do my analysis having a huge problem with weight transfer (i had a reverse still sneaks back in but not as bad right now)...but im beginning to think it might be due my hips not rotating enough...would you guys say with a fuller turn of the hips...the weight will more naturally go to my back heel? it feels like that as i swing in my living room.




  1. dont try so hard let the swing carry the ball. The force comes from the movement of your body.

  2. You don't want to turn the hips back too far on the backswing.  Shoulders rotate 90 degrees from address, but hips less than 45.  This creates torque that gives power to the downswing.  The downswing should be started by rotating the left hip.  Turning too much with the hips on the backswing will get you stuck and forced to make a bad outside in move on the downswing.

  3. your hips at the max of your backswing should point your belt buckle (or center of your belt) at your right thigh(if your right handed, Left if your left handed). What most people here seem to be leaving out is YOUR HIPS START THE DOWNSWING. yes your hips have to get out of the way and that is why you turn them but it only works if they are the FIRST movement of the downswing. If they are not then your better off not turning them in the first place because your going to block the shot dead right and hurt yourself if you swing fast enough.

  4. Practice make 1/4 swings  with your 8-iron. Practice to a FULL follow-through. Hit shots this way. Make sure you finish on the outside of you left foot, and hold your finish. Soon you will be amazed how far the ball will go with so little swing. It groove your release and the feeling of the proper finish. Work hard on this and gradually increase the swing (I like half swings for irons and 3/4 swings for woods). This helps with solid contact and that creates longer, prettier shots. Good Luck!

  5. Rotating the hips allow for your arms to swing through unhindered. With the hips in the way, you naturally want to make an inside out swing, which is never good.

    The swing by itself will naturally transfer the weight from the back to the front. You should also practice your balance to get rid of the reverse pivot.

  6. Weight transfer and Hip rotation are all a part of your Natural swing.  You can promote hip rotation by how you place your feet with respects to your shoulders. Standing with your front foot slightly pulled back will promote more hip swing which will promote a draw.....Pulling your back foot back a bit will promote a more inside-out swing.   When you have started your downswing try letting the club fall from 2:00 to about 4:00....then pull like h**l with your left hand and only your left hand...This pulling action will help bring your weight through..

    RELAX !!!!

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