Old house, but the furnace and water heater are only maybe 20 years old. It's where a relative lived, he colleected a lot of stuff. No one lives there now, tho I will stay there (beach area) sometimes on a weekend, like now.
I heard a light buzzing when I came Thursday nite but thought it crickets. And only heard it when passing close to door to basement. Then today went to basement for something. It's louder there, but not smoke alram loud. Like a phone off the hook, tho much louder when on top of it. Maybe five buzzes a second. Close to the furnace, but more above and to left. There some junk in boxes nearby, but this buzzing noise sounds like its above, in the cellar ceiling, tho I can't really hear it from upstairs, even over the loudest spot in cellar. (And really can't pinpoint the exact spot where noise is louded)
I can call a plumber tomorrow, but like to have an idea of what this might be before I do. Something in the pipes? In the junk - I checked some of it but not all. Still, as noted, it sounds like above, ceiling high.
Sorry for the length of this, I am a bit worried. Don't thinik anything dire wil happen, it's been going on for at least 3 days.