
Weird Cycle....Could this be my Month??

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Had what seems to be a very light AF 7/24/08-7/28/08 but my last normal AF was 6/4/08 - 6/9/08. Anyhow on 7/31 I started getting Ovulation Pains ALL day and noticed very little EWCM which was gone on friday but still fetl minor twinges from same ovary.

So hubby and I BD'd 7/31 and now it's been almost four days and started cramping since yesterday all through my abdominal area, not exactly on the ovary where I had the pain before, but all over.

Would cramping point out to pregnancy and I guess I ovulated on CD8 or 9 making this cycle very short... when would be the soonest I can test?

(I have read things about a LUTEAL PHASE being the same length every month but I have no idea how long mines is. I don't have anymore EWCM, but do have a lot more discharge, sometimes I feel as if I am peeing on myself (sorry if TMI) it's not really a lot but it feels like it).

When is the soonest I can test .... like Days Past Ovulation?

Has this happened to you or do you have any suggestions, ideas, or opinions as to if I will get a BFP.

This would be #2 after almost 3yrs. so I don't really remember how the first one went except that I had really sore and tender breast and some nausea about one week after missed period.




  1. Ur probably pregnant,u can test on most of the good test up to 5 days befor ur missed period.

  2. Go ahead hun take the test it all sounds very promising if it comes back negative wait a week re-test..God Bless Baby Dust!

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