
Weird Dream, instead of them wanting to eat me, they want me to...?

by  |  earlier

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I'm usually having this dream somewhat like 28 Days/Weeks Later, with a little mix of The Happening. But something changed recently:

Before Dream:

I was driving a car and some jackass cuts me off and I go swerving into a toxic waste place in a big city. Then people around start getting headaches and start turning into those 28 Days later people. I get out of that car, and run to a nearby gas station. I call for other people to come in and we start piling bags of ice in front of the doors. There is about 12 of us in there including my brother. Once we get done piling the ice bags and lock the door. Someone from the ouside knocks them down and breaks through the door yelling for help. In the background you can see those creatures now floating like in the happening coming towards us. When they get into the gas station they start eating our brains one by one. And I wake up.

-----more to come in the edit----




  1. what kinda videos games have you been playing!!

    wow. you should make that a movie!

  2. hahah sounds like u have a great imagination (:

    i wish i could have dreams like that!

  3. this is a wierd dream. i love all those movies and sometimes i have dreams like this too. but not that they want me to eat them. haha. =]]

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