
Weird Dream?!?! Help!!?

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I just woke up and I had a really bad dream!! In the dream i remember leaving my kids with a lady at some glass mall her name was angela. Its weird because I never leave my kids with anyone but my husband and my mother in law. Im very protective over them. But in the dream I am leaving the building and a man is trying to follow me and I told him to leave me alone. After a while he left me alone then I got 2 strangers to come help me with my kids at the mall so they can help carry them. As we where walking a building not too far exploded! So we all ran for cover and we where hiding in a home that was not built all the way yet. A lady comes up to me saying are u phillips mom? and i said no because my kids names arent that. (a lady in church her son is named that) Then she tells me "oh did you get the letter in the mail from the cigarette company" i said no bc i dont smoke or anything like that. She told me I cant sue her bc they sent out a letter to everyone about the bomb. Then i call




  1. Your dream is very random in many ways and real stress over something in your life at the moment must be a factor.

    The dream seems to pull in many random concerns that pop up here and there because of occasional real events and the normal concerns we have about them.  That you did things out of the ordinary about entrusting your kids to others than ususal suggests a couple of things:

    In a way it may be you putting yourself, via the subconsicous mind, through a 'test' - a demonstration of the risk faced if you did not have the habits you keep about the kid's care.  

    It also suggests a forced reaction to bad things happening that are beyond your control whereby you made the best choices you could.  

    And as it turns out, despite the fearful things in the dream, things seem OK if chaotic and not clearly ending so nicely.  There is this scramble of Angela turning up at your mother-in-law's home after all, the relative safety of strangers in the face of a distinctly clear threat and the mix of fearful things about cigarette company warnings, bombs, unfinished home for refuge, etc.  All odds and ends - and all discomforting and confusingly disorienting.

    By all this it would seem you have much on your mind regarding the safety and welfare of your family for whatever set of reasons there may be around you.  Your mind seems to have pulled in random 'warnings' from society in general and applied them in this vivid but confusing projection in your dream.  

    It is not therefore a clarifying message except for one thing: you seem to need to sit calmly in waking life and think through all that may bother you at the moment and get your thoughts organized as to what you might do to deal with them.  No doubt you have some things such as this on your mind - most of us do.  And we can't deal with all of them at once, nor all of them as we'd like to - but to do one's best at sorting and prioritizing and then acting within our means can bring peace of mind and remove mental clutter.

    Some addtional points that may help -

    The mall may indicate a need to curb some consumption habits - are there bills that are a bit out of control?

    The unfinished house suggests a place of refuge that is not as it should be in your mind - is it that you need to do something about your family's living environment in some way due to unfinished projects?

    Your mother-in-law and husband seem trusted - these are perhaps strong points on which to rely, they appear to be allies that you may not be using enough.  Perhaps they can be more of an active sounding board to help you sort things out.  We all need to realize it when there are people we can trust - it helps just knowing it.

    Which brings me to 'Angela' - although you limit where the kids go to husband or mother-in-law's, do you perhaps have acquaintences who might be better known if you would take the initiative?  Might they truly be more trustworthy than you've considered?  That too can build your support base nicely and really help feelings and in practical ways.

    The lady giving you the brush-off about the 'letter' seems to represent some frustrating authority that lords over you in some way as you see or feel it.  Exasperating - warned indeed.  More like an unwelcome brush-off from someone not welcome about a thing that is vague - only for a real threat to emerge after a technical disclaimer was given.  Someone owed you something better in this - some service or chattel was not as promised - look at that.

    And be kind to yourself - much of this indicates a hectic heaping of anxiety on yourself by the things pressing on you in life.  Resolution and relief cannot come until you allow yourself the peace to see these things clearly and deal with rationally - even if all cannot be as you'd really like it to be.  You can control your feelings, although I realize that's easily said.  But it's worth the effor and more productive in the long run.

    You would have to decide whether these points make sense in your context and how to use them, but I hope they may helpful.

    All the best to you.

  2. eh believe it or not dreams never mean anything. Its just some c**p cooked by trouble makers and people who beleive in magic. I know im still young but you can never beleive in that stuff. that dream was terrifying i know but still never beleive in it. I once had a horrible dream and i stayed up all night crying but then my mum told me that u can never beleive that a nightmare can come true!

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