
Weird LONG Hitler Dream - help me interpret them?

by  |  earlier

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Very long dream but interesting.

Okay Lately, I've been having very odd dreams. But most of them are about n***s, concentration camps, escaping, death and hitler. I dont know why - and i cant explain it. Several dreams i can remember is hat in one of my dreams i remember seen all this people running across fields and a green place, it was what it seemed to me like people running for their lives away from something terrible, and some got killed on their way, i was one of them escaping running acroos the green fields and jumping over things - then i remember me been in this room with a wooden bench that i and my cousin used as beds, we we there alone, it was only us 2 and the wooden thing, we were locked in this room scared for our lives and outside the room was the n***s ( we didnt see them yet but we knew) we were so scared that we needed to escape - so we ran towards this other little room - we looked out of the window in order to escape but then we saw Asian people – asian people lined up as prisoners , children etc and they were in a line and people infront of them were with guns, and then i realised one asian man saw me and i got scared and he came near the window and it hot he was going to kill us 2 and then he gave me a gun and said something like ‘’ ull need this’’ i got the gun and couldn’t touch it so i handed it over to my cousin, then out of nowhere this guy was there in the room with us, we new we had to open the door to fight the n***s ( who were standing outside the door, then they started to kick the door) then we 3 came out and my cousin tried to shoot but nothing came out then i got then gun and saw the n**i soldiers and i was in another place in an apartment with my 2 cousins, their mum – i was so scared that the n***s will find me, they told me i was been paranoid and then i hear the lady downstairs scream n say to my cousin ‘’ someone is looking for you’’ i ran to the window and saw the n***s downstairs, i freaked out even tho they wanted to talk to my cousin, i hid under her bed then her closet. The n**i then came inside and got her and I, when my auntie came to help us the n**i tried to kill her then he disappeared. Then i remember me crying and saying i wanted to run away so they wuldnt find us again, i remember saying to run away to port maquarie, and i remember packing our bags and going in the car and then i was in this house with hitler, my dad, and women and poor people. No one could say numbers, coz then we will get killed coz they thot we were tlakign in codes – everyone was afraid to say something. There was this kid in particular who was so small to understand anything he kept saying number n his mum was so afraid. Then in the last part of my dreams i was sleeping and hitler wakes me up screaming and saying i had to do my work, he took me out to the backyard n i was so afraid h**l kill me and he got a table and a chair and told me to sit down and do my homework until i finsihsed. He was nice to me but still mean if it makes sense. The last part of my dream i remember seen the kid walking to the basement and seen all this pictures and books of n***s n jewish. BookS saying how to indentify jews and then kid started saying ‘’ i found it !’’ then hithet/n**i came and i heard the kid screams and i saw myself ( now a male) runign to help the kid knowing i get killed and then i just remember seen me/n***s fight and i woke up.

I don’t know what this means? Does this mean it was my past live? Tell me what you think !




  1. taht really was long, i don not think it was a past life. do you do history or recently learnt about n***s? you may have something in your life which you feel like running from, maybe something to do with school? by fighting you are defending something or yourself maybe. all dreams have symbolism to something in you actual life it prob has nothing to do with n**i's or hitler just a group of people in your life at the moment that you are having conflict with.

  2. Wow. i read your other dream too and this is weird. Have you been studying the Holocaust in school lately? Are you German? Jewish? Polish? did any of your family die in the holocaust? It may also be nothing. You could be running from something else in your life- a fight with a friend, something on your conscience, and it just incarnated itself in Hitler form. If it keeps happening, tell you family or someone who knows what their doing. I hope you feel a little better.

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