
Weird he hitting on me or just being friendly?

by  |  earlier

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I live in an apartment, and my neighbor is a little interesting...he worked at a job with my brother, and would constantly talk about how his wife cheated on him...he said she did it several times. sometimes when I go into work later, and he knows my husband isn't home, he will knock on my door for different things...anyway it has happened a couple of times now, the first time, he knocked on my door several times in one day and was asking different questions about his job that he wanted me to find out from my brother, but then he started looking me up and down and was like wow, you are looking really good...have you been working out? "ya, you are looking really good!" He just repeated that a few times while looking me up and down, and then started asking me what my husbands hours were like..."it seems he works all the time...he's not home much is he?"...that kindof freaked me out...then a few days ago, he needed something else and knocked on my door again and said the same thing, about you are looking good, he said he had been watching me when I come in and had been thinking that I look like I've still been working out...then he said he tries to get his wife to work out, but she won' he just trying to make conversation?...or does he want to cheat on his wife with me?...either way, i'm not interested, i am happily married, but my husband is about to kick his a**..and I don't know if i should let him or just tell him, he is just a weird guy...don't worry about it.




  1. that guy is really creepy.  Telling you about his wife cheating sounds like his version of a bad line, that is trying to get your sympathy.  The best thing to do is just say you are really busy or something.  Never let him in your apartment when your husband isn't home.

    please help:;...

  2. He sounds like he has social and conversing issues. He might be really lonely. Ask your brother of this guys history if he knows anything as far as creepy behavior. Tell him politely that the comments are appreciated but he's making you feel uncomfortable because your husband isn't around. Don't answer the door after that and let your husband speak with him. Some men just don't listen when women talk so your husband stepping in is probably not a bad idea. Let him scare him just a little by being stern.

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